A New Type Of Feeling

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Bruce Pov
I remember the day I got this mark. It's a day that haunts me everytime I close my eyes. I can recall the day vividly in my mind.

My mother hands were  through mine and the Gotham air was crisp against my skin. We walked as I bounced up and down excited because I guessed the movie ending right.
"Bruce slow down " My mom said as I stopped and laced my hands through hers once again.
"Sorry I'm just excited that I guessed the ending right. Wait where's Alfred?" I said as I looked around for our car.
"I just called he said he is stuck in traffic but if you guys feel like walking we can meet him"My father said as he walked on the right of me and my mom on the left .
As we walked I looked up at my mom and father.  He walked with authority but not in a arrogant way, while my mom walked with a elegance one would think she was gliding.
"Look Mom it's a full moon" I said as I pointed . The Gotham night fog had lifted and the moon was shining brightly as if watching. We walked and hand in hand as I watched my parents look at each other with nothing but pure love in their eyes. Their on their wrist was their Soulmate Mark in all it's glory. My mother had a bird while my father had a cage and when their arms were intertwine you can see the complete picture.  I always wondered if their was someone for me.
"Mom how will I know when I meet my Soulmate?" I asked as we turned down  a street . There were rats and puddles everywhere . The wind blew as i watched mt mom's hair blow in her face . Her perfume smelled like lavender.
"Well Bruce when you meet them it will feel like the world stop and it's just the two of you. "She said as she looked at my father.
"Bruce your only 8 you have your whole life to worry about your soulmate just focus on your studies." My father said as he ruffled my hair . Thr next moments went by in a blink of an eye.
I heard screaming . A gunshot . Then a thud there on the ground was my father .
There on the grimy streets of Gotham was my father reaching out to me I instantly dropped and and cried
"Dad "I screamed
"I love you Bruce" as i watch all life leave his eyes.
I heard another gunshot and their i saw my mom lying on the ground. Her hair wet with the rain. I didn't realize it started.
"Mom !" I kept shaking her and shaking her.
"B-bruce I love you so much" as she put her hand to my face.
I screamed and screamed my Mom layed there life leaving her eyes. I looked down at her wrist her soulmate mark was disappearing. And so was my father's.  I screamedand screamed until I heard police cars in the distance. Everything happend so fast . I watched them put my family in a black bag and carry them off.  Soon Alfred wad by my side.
"Master Bruce"he says as he rushes to me and picks me up tight . I cry as he rubs my back and takes me to the car. As he placed me in the car I felt a pain surge through me.
"Ahhh it burns "
Alfred is besides me in a matter of seconds . I can hear him calling my name but my mouth won't move. It was as if time slowed down.
I felt my chest burn then I felt nothing.
I opened my shirt and their it was a tattoo of a lock.
"Alfred is that my mark?"
"Indeed it is Master Bruce"says Alfred as I lay there and cry myself to sleep.
My parents always said they wouod be there when I received my mark.
But now their gone. I let the pain of the mark and today's event drift me away.

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