❝Smoke And Mirrors❞ [Fliss/Slave]

Start from the beginning

"why weren't you honest from the start?" Sans continued standing there. What is he talking about?

"you know, i've always thought he must have liked you." Sans froze. He thought that him and Blue being together was a lie? Why?

"he's just a temptress, don't you know? he'll say he loves you even though, he only wants to steal your soul" Red walked closer to Sans as he froze onto his spot. He didn't know when Red would suddenly go and hurt either him or his boyfriend.

"I'LL SAVE YOU." Red smiled. A wicked smile, before he hugged Sans. Blue was shocked, as he quietly tried to untie himself. No use. His magic had completely ran out from running earlier, and it would take a while for it to come back.

"you said you'd always be my friend." Red spoke as he looked at Sans.

"that we'd get married when we both got older." Red held his skull, before he smiled once again, blushing a light red.

"i'd never heard those words before, you made me long for something more, but then he tried to steal your love." Red said before he used telekinesis on a knife in his pocket, and started to cut a bit of the rope hanging Blue to the top. Sans' face turned into pure horror. If Blue had dropped down from that height, he would not survive.

Blue was a 1 HP monster just like him.

"what's with that look?" Red hissed as he held Sans' skull. The horror on his face had not changed as Red had a unreadable expression.

"do you really think i'm out of line tonight?" Red spoke before he cutted a bit more of the rope. The rope quickly lowered and Blue screamed in fear.

"BLUE!" Sans shouted. He was worried about him, but Red held him using telekinesis.

"STOP CALLING HIS NAME." Red spat as Sans obeyed. Breaking his order must dust Blue. And he didn't wanted that.

"if you play my game, he may just make it out ALIVE." Red playfully warned. Sans stood at where he was.

"i" He held out his hands towards Sans.

"love" He made a heart shaped gesture using his hands.

"you" He held the gesture towards Sans, to let him look as if he was inside the heart shaped gesture. Red smiled.

"i'm not asking much, just give me your heart." Red had a crazy smile on his face, and Sans didn't like that smile in one bit.

"and put no one else above me"

"GO ON, SAY YOU LOVE ME." Red grabbed Sans' hand and placed it onto his own hands, his smile staying a crazy one.

"take my hand in yours and tell me that i'll always be the one" Red had a lovestruck expression as Sans froze himself on the spot.

"without you, my life means nothing,"

"SO JUST SAY YOU LOVE ME TONIGHT." The knife was moving closer and closer towards the rope. Blue screamed again. Sans' face turned into pure terror and fear.

"and if you lie, this poor sans will have to die." The knife cutted the rope more. It lowered again, and Blue screamed. It wouldn't be long till the rope snaps. Sans shutted his eye lights. He can't look!

"i'm sorry that i lost my cool." Red's eye lights turned into star shapes as Sans looked at him.

"as you can see here, i've been very busy." Red reached in his pocket to grab a phone. It took a moment for Sans to notice, that it is his phone.

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