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The sounds and sights of battle faded from their senses as Rey and Ben entered the kyber-filled planet of Axelrae. The light faded to a dim glow upon entering the atmosphere; a draping cloud of fog masked the sky, allowing them to only vaguely see the solid ground below. When at last the thick walls of fog dwindled as the Falcon approached its landing, a rugged terrain of bleak reddish-brown and grey rocks appeared below them.

Ben piloted the ship, roaming around to find a level place to land. As he did so, Rey emerged from the cannon. She deemed it now safe to do so, since the Falcon had entered the planet and was now unable to be seen from space beneath the dense fog. She entered the cockpit, strolling up behind Ben and draping her arms across his broad shoulders. Rey barely had to lean forward to rest her arms on him. She sensed the warmth emanating from Ben, the man secretly relishing in her touch.

He leaned the ship to the left, and a large cave came into view. Before it lay a fairly flat area.

"There!" Rey took her hand off of Ben and pointed towards the location.

Ben adjusted the freighter's course, bringing the Falcon down to the rock. The landing gear extending with a burst of air sent particles of dusty dirt into the air, which settled back down as the steam dissolved. The mouth of the cave before them rose like a wave.

Something within the cave caught Rey's eye.

"Ben, turn on the headlights."

With a flash, the mouth of the cave lit up. Rey almost gasped at the sight now revealed by the beams. Hundreds--no, thousands--of crystals gleamed within the dark cavern, twinkling with luminous hues as Rey moved towards the window for a better view.

 Hundreds--no, thousands--of crystals gleamed within the dark cavern, twinkling with luminous hues as Rey moved towards the window for a better view

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"Ben..." she breathed, hardly able to contain her awe.

She looked down to see Ben staring at her instead of the wondrous sight before them. Rey closed her open mouth.

"Well, let's go," Ben grinned up at her.

Rey gave him a smile and began to walk out of the cockpit as he stood up to follow her. On the way out, she grabbed her poncho from a console that jutted out of the wall and pulled it over her head. She was about to exit the Falcon when Ben called from behind her.

"Forgetting something?"

Rey spun around to see the man holding a brown satchel. How could she have forgotten! Earlier she had scavenged weapon parts from the Resistance base and around the Falcon (the skills she gained on Jakku never seemed to fail her). After all, who would miss a few spare parts? With these, Rey hoped that she, and possibly Ben, could create new lightsabers.

Rey sighed with a grin. "Thank you."

Ben handed it to her and she took it, slinging it over her shoulder. As she did so, she felt it tug something on her leg. Her blaster rested in its holster on her leg. Something dawned on her.

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