I then go to Balora " Hey Balora (Y/n) wnats us all to Baby's room and take your minirelas too " I then go fast to FuntimeFoxy room " YO FOX'. Come to Baby's room " " This is not how you speak to a lady! MPF " She say as she cross her arms. Oh boy " (Y/n) wants us there" Afrr I finish wanted to say she run very fast to Baby room. Oh boy.

~~~ later ~~~

" Si this are supost to be the first animatronic and the originals? The heck. No wonder why theyr pizzeria was closed "(F.Foxy) " I can't belive our replacemate is a girl " (Foxy&Mangle) " GUYS. STOP. NOW. Ig you forget you was made AFTER THEYR BLUEPRINTS so NO mean things got it? Whait a sec were is Minda. " " HI GUYS! " " Hi Minda....what the hecj are you doing there up " " I was talking with PV. " " Who is PV " " Her little spider pet " " S-spider! " then BonBon fainted ( Okey BonBon=Toy Bonnie Bon-Bon=.....Bon-Bon the blue bunny from F.Freddy arm )

" Guys show them tour human form " " IN HELL I AM SHOWING THEM MY FORM " " Ennard " " NO " " Then I will do it my self " " Sh*t " I then poke from the fingers and they were human exept Ennard.

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" Whait a sec somone is misning

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" Whait a sec somone is misning....hm.... LOBIIIIIIIIIT ! " " No (Y/n) pls don- " " Hello guys. Whats up Ennard dont you want me here? "

 Whats up Ennard dont you want me here? "

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( Chica pov )

" Hey mari you k? "  " Yes I just...I....I think Balora is cute a-and " " Owwww. Stay calm I wont tell anyone and you should try ti speak with her " " Oh alright t-thank you Chica " " NP " Oh man I have so many ships




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" So let me explain everything here " Lobit x Yendo " " Bonnet x BonBon " " F

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" So let me explain everything here " Lobit x Yendo " " Bonnet x BonBon " " F.Freddy x F.Foxy " " Minda x ??? "  "Baby x ??? "  and " Ennad x ??? " Okey good "


I will let you complet the ships

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