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You walk down the hall to your new bedroom, Jin made it very nice and beautiful for you. You walk down to the kitchen but on your way you hear more moaning! Fuck it gets you so turned on, you knew exactly what Yoongi was doing in there, and it was just you and him home so you decided to be a little dirty. You were wearing a long t-shirt with no bra on and only underwear underneath the t-shirt, plus the t-shirt was white and see through. So when Yoongi was finished he walked out into the living room to see you sitting watching tv with your legs spread a little only to reveal a little bit of your panties, also your nipples were showing through the shirt. He looked at you and immediately started blushing. You glanced over at him making food and you walked up to the refrigerator to get ice water, but of course you hand to bend down to get to the freezer so you lifted the back of your t-shirt a little and bent down right infront of Yoongi. "You know you should put some pants on if you are gonna live in this house, we ARE all boys" said Yoongi. You turned around and said "Well sorry I thought I was alone"
"So you always dress like that when you are alone?" he said raising one eyebrow. "Sometimes" you said with a wink as you walked back to the living room. He smiled and waddled to his room with a plate of food.

yoongi pov
I looked down at my throbbing boner, god why does she have to make me this way? Living with her is going to be tough but i'll have to pull through. Seeing her half naked  already and it's the third day of her living here. Maybe I should go sit down with her but I don't think she likes me as much as the others.

*buzz buzz*

I glance down at my phone and see a text from Y/N

Y/N: Yoongi-ah do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?

Yoongi: Why, you had one on a minute ago.

Y/N: I know but I spilt water all over it and it's soaking :(

Yoongi: Didn't you bring clothes here?

Y/N: No, they went down in the fire..

Yoongi: Oh.. Yeah sorry, I'll bring you a shirt.

Y/N: Thank you Oppa~

Did she just call me Oppa?!


I spilt my water all over my shirt so it was COMPLETELY see through this time, I just decided to take it off because it was wet and cold. It wouldn't matter if I just covered up my boobs right? I mean like an idiot I didn't put on a bra, but he would have seen them anyway if the shirt was on. But i'll tell him to turn around.

Yoongi comes out with a black t-shirt but accidentally drops it on the floor when he see's you. A beautiful girl wearing no shirt no bra and just panties standing in his living room giving him a sad look. He picks the shirt back up and looks down at his crotch, his boner is still there, there he is hoping you don't notice. He walks over to you and hands you the shirt with an awkward smile. "Thank you Oppa"

Her saying in real life made it 10x more sexier, "No big deal, tell me if you need anything else"
"Well actually I was going to go for a bath so i'm fine right now" You say as you remove your hands from your chest. You pull the shirt over you and while your head is in the shirt he takes a quick glance at your tits. As soon as you can see again he looks away but you don't notice.

Y/N pov
Should I get him to help me with the bath? I don't no how it works considering i've only had a stand up shower, but they also have one so maybe i'll just take a shower.

You walk up to Yoongi and hug him while thanking him once more. Then you make your way to the bathroom and close the door behind you but you forget to lock the door. You start to undress once again and you hop into the shower and turn on the water. The rain head feels so good on your body. For some reason someone couldn't hear the shower and walked in the bathroom, the shower was glass so they could see most of your naked body. It was Jin. "OH Y/N IM SO SORRY!!" You just laugh, you don't really mind anyone seeing your body because you're pretty confident about it. He practically runs out of the bathroom crying. After you are done in the shower you put Yoongis HUGE t-shirt over you and walk out. You knock on Jin's door and he opens it with a nervous look, "Sorry for walking in on you Y/N" You put your hand on his cheek and smile, "It's okay Jin you are my best friend" He laughs and closes the door behind you and you both watch a K-Drama.

1 month living with BTS passed and you start hanging out with all the boys more. Walking past the rooms you hear more moaning, but this time it wasn't Yoongi's room and they're was more than one voice. You know you should peek but you had the urge. Was he fucking some girl? Not that you cared but it was weird, that's all. You knock on the door but whoever's inside doesn't hear it. The door opens to reveal Jimin riding Jungkook both of them were moaning so loud. "Ah yes~ Fuck Kookie like that ah ah AHHH!" Jimin squeals from above Jungkook. There you stand at the door just staring with shock all through your body, they hadn't realized you there yet but when they did they were TOMATO RED. "OH MY GOD Y/N!!" Jimin whined covering himself. Jungkook sat straight up and told you to close the door behind you so no one would see. They got changed and you sat on there bed. "I'm sorry I just had to ask a question, I shouldn't have come in it's just I thought someone was crying in here" You lie. "It's okay just please don't tell anyone!" You hold out your pinky "I swear on my life" instead of pinky promising you he leans in and hugs you. "Jungkook I would never have known you were gay" He chuckles. "Well that's good to hear because I can't tell the other members"

Yoongis pov
I left my bedroom around 2 am to see Jungkooks door wide open with the light on, so I went to investigate. I walked up and peeked in the door to see Y/N sitting down with jungkook and he was half naked, also Jimin was half naked on his phone with ONLY blankets covering his dick. Were they fucking in there? A THREESOME?! Even if they were I wouldn't be jealous that they were fucking the girl i lov-
Wait... I love Y/N?

Y/N pov
I happen to see Yoongi at the door peeking in, when I saw this I waited 1 minute before saying goodnight to Jungkook and Jimin and close the door. I look in the living room to see Yoongi sitting down watching tv with a glass of vodka in his hand.

"Yoongi-ah?" You whisper
He looks up at you and raises an eyebrow. "Y/N? come here baby"
You can tell he's been drinking because he has never called you baby. You walked over to the sofa and sat down. "Oppa I can't sleep will you help me?"

Yooo that's all for chapter 2!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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