Chapter 2

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It's been one month for me to be in Silver Divine University, and still, Laura is my only friend but never minds. I love being with her. But I'd never seen her for a few days. Hope she's fine.
Since I came here I didn't even talk to anyone except Laura, maybe because of my busy schedule or I don't want to. Neither do they try to make conversation with me? Well, I don't have time for them either because I already have lots of stuff to do like classes, assignments, my work and the day over. Then next day repeat the same. Well as I noticed nothing interesting had happened to me since I came here. I'm sick of learning about the magic system, about its history. I mean what's the use of this. Are they going to make us magicians or something? I found it useless. This will not going to give us jobs in future. Waste of time. Waste of energy.

I'm laying on my bed after an exhausting day when a knock rouses on my door. I unlocked it and Laura is standing there with her usual smile.

"Where you have been these days," I asked.

" Well... I was not feeling well so I decided to go back to my home"

"And you didn't even think to inform me" I shoot.

"I could but..." her hand gestured in the air

Raising my eyebrows and giving her my glassy stare " But what?"

"Can I come in first?"

I move aside giving her space to come "Yes please".

While entering she proceed "Thanks... I wanted to meet you before leaving but everything was too sudden that I didn't get much time to do anything" guilty could be visible in her eyes. "I'm sorry".

She settles herself on the chair beside my bed while I sit on its edge. So we can talk face to face.
"Well... I came here to inform you that the volleyball championship is going to be held next week" she paused "And all I want you is to participate with us" that was not a request but confirmation to me.

"I can't" I frowned " I mean I don't know how to play it".

"Oh come on, I'll teach you" Laura pressed her palm against my bed "By the way! I am the captain of my team" while pointing her finger at me "You are going to participate; I don't want to listen to any excuses" she snapped.

I didn't know how to respond, so to stop this unwilling conversation I said 'Yes' to her.

"Great! I'll catch you tomorrow at 6 am at the field behind block A building"

"Ok! Fine"


I woke up early in the morning. But still, I'm not the first one to arrive at the ground. It was already full. Students are already doing their practice but something unexpected happening over here that I can't believe on my eyes what they are watching right now, my eyes widened and my jaw got opened when I first saw all of them running so fast like thunder, running with the unexpected speed that I can't even guess. I don't know what's going on here? Am I dreaming?

"Good morning" Laura whispered from behind.

I turned toward her "What the hell is going on here?" I felt the vibration inside me "They are fast, so fast, they don't look like a normal human being. Are they vampires? No-no they don't exist".

She chuckled "No, they are not a vampire or something. But they're not normal human beings either. Babe, you're standing at Silver Divine. Don't forget that. Make it your wonderland"

I'm shocked, totally shocked and confused too, my legs are shaking right now with fear. That's why they taught us those freaky things every single day.
I don't say a single word after that. What if others have some extra availability or something that is beyond my imagination then what am I doing here? I'm not supposed to be here. I was about to run but I noticed Laura is watching me.

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