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I pushed out of the edge of the woods to find myself stuck on a narrow dirt road.

i hadnt seen this road before and there wernt any sings or life around just wilderness, i could almost feel the tiny eyes of the creatures in the forest wondering who i was

i was nobody not a human anymore i dont know what i am...

i walked but into the woods far enough where i could see the road but no one could easily spot me, i laid my head on the soft grass and i could feel my eyes get heavy from the life i had been living

not anymore, not ever again, im a new person, i wont be shackled by this curse anymore.

Aidens p.o.v

who was he? he was so beautiful i couldnt stop thinking about this boy.

he looked so strong but gentle on the inside as if he was hurt and trying to keep his cover...i felt that i needed to go to him

i stood from his spot he had been sitting in and i turned my arms so my palms were facing up and watched as the blue lace patterns lit up upon my skin, i could feel the demon taking over my body as i slowly became the creature i was born as.

takisu, the demon of light, fire, death and darkness. i still dont understand why i was in control of so much distruction when all i am is a scrawny little boy.

i felt my wings spred wide across my back, i looked to the side to see the tips of my black feathered wings and the blue light spreding through the feathers.

i am the thing everyone fears at night, the beautiful creature no one can explain. but it is my life and i have excepted it.

i looked up to the moon and pictured his face and all of a sudden my wings took off shooting me from the ground as fast as the could go. before i could think of anything else i was right next to him hovering slightly of his sleeping body. he looked so peaceful and beautiful. i touched my feet to the ground not making a noise and i softly caress his face the the palm of my hand

i stay in the same spot sitting with him for hours until i couldnt stand it anymore, i leaned down and kissed his soft pink lips and felt an erruption of butterflies be unleashed in my belly.

i shivered from the feeling and pulled away when i saw his face start to glow a bright pink color then it spred to the rest of his body i watched in horror and awe as this boy was over taken by this strang light then as quickly as it came, it left.

when the bright light cleared away for me to see him again i gasped in a deep breath seeing him

i looked him over caustionly and i could feel my heart beat start to increase, my blood started to heat up and my body was starting to react.

his shirt had been taken off to reveal his toned chest and very faintly i saw the bellean angels hovering above his collar bone

the bellean angels were very very tiny elves who worked for glasimore, glasimore was the demon of water, air and earth

the bellean angels flew away and disappeared into their tiny gold dust, i looked down at the boys colloar bone and gasped again

there, carved in bellean gold, were the words

"The wings of aiden have caressed this skin, fate and destiny have bined them so, Takisu and Retuma have been mated as mind and soul, together they form as one and cannot be unbroken."

i found my demon mate...Retuma...

~A/N~ hey guys how you liking it so far? it would help alot if you can leave a comment and vote if you like it, add it to your library too? thank you so much for reading and stick around for the next part <3 bwiii

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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