Velvet throat

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"Alright let's get to the hotel clerk," Ice said, breaking me out of my thoughts, "We've got Kenny G, age..." Ice t stared at the page confused, "It just has an infinity symbol here. Well anyway he works for the hotel part time, and plays saxophone the other part."  We walked into the room and Kenny G was in the middle of a beautiful saxophone song. He was so passionately into the song, that his eyes were closed and he was standing with one leg on the chair and one on the table. Ice and I stood and watched until Kenny had finished. We were so transfixed on the beautiful melody that it took us a moment to remember what we were even doing. "Oh um, mr.G, hi, we're here to talk to you about the events of last night." I managed to mutter out. "Please, Mr.G is my father, call me Kenny. Ah yes, that gruesome murder." Kenny's voice was like smooth velvet. I could immediately feel myself hardening (even though I am definitely not gay). "Well I was just sat playing my sax in the lobby when I got a phone call. It was a strange sounding man saying that he'd heard a scream from the next room over. I really didn't want to leave my sax but I went up to the room and knocked. I knew that boyband was staying there so I assumed they had just been playing around, as young boys do," he winked at me and I grew fully hard. "When they opened the door all five of them were pale as ghosts. I said, 'hey what's going on', and they parted so I could enter the room. Thats when I saw the girl lying on the floor. She had blood coming out of her mouth. Immediately, I dialed the police and now here I am." Every word he said came out so gracefully, how was this guy real? I felt a shove and realized it was Ice T. I guess I had been so distracted with Kenny G and his liquid voice. I cleared my throat, "oh um right, Mr. G- uh- Kenny, what did the boys do when you called the cops?" Kenny G leaned closer to me and I swear he could hear my heart thumping. "They just stood there. Like statues." He finished. "Alright thanks dawg you're free to bounce." Ice dismissed Kenny and we walked back out into the hallway. "Well what do you think, Ice?"
"I think these boys are looking guiltier by the minute."
Oh no, Ice was convinced the boys were guilty. I needed to talk to those exquisite boys so I could prove their innocence.
"I mean," Ice continued, "why would they just stand there while sexy sax man called the cops. Clearly they were in shock from the murder."
"We need to talk to them. That's the only way to figure this out." Ice nodded and we continued down the hallway towards the next room.

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