She didn't stop. She was pissed. "I'm going to her house right now!" She grabbed her keys and made her way out the door.

DJ was on the steps waiting. "Daddy?"

I looked over at him. "DJ, come on, we're going next door for a few minutes." They babysat him sometimes, since they think he's so adorable. The Millers. I didn't want him to see Yn like that. I ran out of the door after her and grabbed my keys. I took him next door and ran back out.

"Yn!" I said.

She hopped in the car. "I'm telling Minnie right now and don't even try to fucking stop me!"

I tried to stop her as I pulled off but it didn't work. As soon as I was about to get in my car, another car came zooming around the corner, just while Yn was turning.

I stopped and stared. I couldn't believe what I just saw. As I started processing everything that happened, I ran over to Yn.

The car had hit her on the driver's side. "Yn!" I screamed, trying to wake her up. She was knocked out, bleeding. I couldn't do anything but cry. I took her out of the car and rocked her back and forth while she was in my arms.

"Oh my goodness, somebody call an ambulance!" one of the neighbors had screamed. Within minutes a bunch of police cars and an ambulance pulled up.

I watched as they put her on the gurney and rushed her away. I couldn't do anything but cry. I looked over and saw the police questioning the guy that hit her.

I walked over to him, pushed the police out of the way, and grabbed him by the collar. "What the fuck is your problem, man?!"

He looked scared. "Look, man, I didn't mean to hit her." He was drunk, I could tell. I punched him as hard as I could, knocked him out. I kept punching him, harder and harder.

"Sir, get off of him!" the policemen kept saying as they tried to get me off of him. I struggled as they handcuffed my hands behind my back.

"Let me go! I need to see Yn!" After a while of struggling I just stopped. I felt defeated. I fell to the ground and cried. What else could I do? The love of my life is pregnant and just got into a car accident, which I saw happen right before my eyes. And now what? I can't even see her because I might be taken away to the police station because I just assaulted the drunk bastard that caused all of this.

"At least let me see my son before you guys take me away" I said as they tried to put me in the car. "He's four, his mom was the woman in the car accident. Just let me explain to him what's going on, please."

They looked hesitant, then gave in. "Where's he at?" one of them asked me.

I directed them to the Millers' house and they took my handcuffs off. I knocked on the door and explained to them what happened. Then, I went inside to talk to DJ.

"Hey daddy! Are you ready to go bike riding now?"

I sniffled. I wanted to break down again, but I didn't want him to do the same. I had to stay strong for him. "DJ, I can't go. I got in trouble, I promise we're gonna go, just not right now."

He nodded. "Okay, daddy. Where's mommy at? I wanna talk to my baby brother or sister" he said with a huge smile. Damn, he looked just like me. Seeing him smile made me smile, even though I'm falling apart.

"DJ, mommy's, in the hospital" I said slowly to keep from crying.

His smile disappeared. "What?"

"She was in a car accident not too long ago. She's in the hospital."

He cried and hugged me. I squeezed him as tight as I could and didn't let go for a longggg time.

Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now