Chapter 22

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Diggy's POV

I woke up on the couch in the living room with Yn wrapped up in my arms. I gently let her go and stood up so I wouldn't wake her up. I have a major headache from all the drinking I did yesterday. I looked at the hole I created in the wall and at the dried up tears that streaked Yn's face.

  Now I see why I stopped drinking in the first place.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, then looked in the medicine cabinet to get an aspirin.

I quickly took the aspirin and drunk the whole bottle. I looked over at Yn and she was still sleeping. I feel actually really bad about how yesterday went down. I was just so pissed off with Yn but seeing the images of her crying and looking defeated just made me even more angrier, but this time at myself.

I ran up the stairs, I showered and did the rest of my morning routine, through my clothes on, and woke up DJ so he could do the same. I'm going to spend the whole day with him and give Yn a chance to relax.

When we went back downstairs, I wrote Yn a note and put money in it before walking out the door.

Yn's POV

When I woke up, Diggy was gone. Of course. He's probable still really pissed off at me and I really don't even blame him. Seeing him drunk for the first time in years literally tore me apart last night. Never will I ever piss him off again to the point where he wants to get drunk and go crazy.

I sat up on the couch and pushed my hair out of my face. I sighed as I stood up, stretched a little bit, and walked into the kitchen. A note hanging on the fridge caught my eye.

I knew it was from Diggy and I was actually kind of scared to open it. He wa so mad last night, he probably left and doesn't even want to see me again. The thought of him leaving us again and never coming back this time brung tears to my eyes.

I hesitantly read the note, but I was too afraid to take it off the fridge.

I have DJ to spend the whole day with him. I'm picking you up tonight. Go buy yourself somethin' nice and treat yourself. Be ready by 8.


I finally took the note off the fridge and money attached to it fell to the ground. I bent over and picked it up, counting about $500.

I ran upstairs and did my hygiene routine, threw on some jeans, a white tanks top, and my Columbia Jordan's. I looked in my drawers and found all of the money I made from stripping, which, I must say was a lottttt, and stuffed it into my purse. Then I grabbed the bags with the rest of the money.

I ran downstairs, to eat a bowl of cereal. When I was finished, I put my dishes in the sink and walked out of the door with the bags, putting them in the trunk.

I went to the mall and found this beautiful dress that was black but had a lace design on the arms, shoulders, and at the bottom. I found some black heels and jewelry to go with it. Altogether, the total cost was $308.27.

Then, I went to go get my nails done. I settled with gray nails with a clear strip across the tips of it and a pedicure. Then, I got my eyebrows waxed. That was another $50. That left me with $141.73. I put what was leftover in the purse with rest of the leftover money.

After my nails dried, I drove to a children's hospital. I walked in and greeted the lady behind the counter.

"Um, hi, I'm-"

Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilogy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt