"The game isn't until 2 more hours so, we've got time," I say as I go back to change into my normal comfy shorts, and tee shirt.

When I finish Skyler and I plop back into my bed and pull out our phones.

I open Instagram right away and start scrolling through my feed.

As I'm scrolling I see a picture that makes me pause.

It was of my old Volleyball team.

They were currently at the school, and all huddled up for a group photo.

A part of me kinda wished I was still apart of the team, but another part kept telling me that better opportunities were waiting for me in photography.

As I scroll through the rest of the photos, I see the girls taking photos with one another, and then I see a photo of Cassidy and Hunter.

She had her arm around his shoulder, barley leaving distance in between the two.

I couldn't help but get this feeling in my stomach as they looked like your average American couple.

They weren't the football captain and cheerleader, but it sure looks close to it.

I shook it off and turned off my phone.

I began laying there and thinking, and getting caught up in my thoughts .


I heard the engine go off off Skyler's car as we pulled up to the school.

It seemed like packed! Kids from all grades were here, and seemed like their families too!

We were all set to meet up by the snack stand like always. We were waiting for Natasha only this time.

To our luck, when we got there, Natasha was already there waiting for us.

I pulled her in for a hug as we all said our hi's.

"Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long, Nattie" I say.

She shakes her head.

"I literally just arrived. I was talking to Mark Anthony for a good minute."

A big smile came across my face.

"So y'all talk, huh? Skyler asks.

"Noo.." she says trailing off.

I look at her.

"Yeah right." I say rolling my eyes.

She smacks me on the arm lightly. "We don't." She says.

"Girl I can see you blushing," I say pinching her cheeks.

Now it's her turn to roll her eyes.

"I mean I guess we're cool." She simply shrugs.

"Yeah, y'all more than cool." Sky whispers underneath her breath.

I laughed as Natasha gave Sky the finger, and we began walking down to the lacrosse field.

We took our seats, and lightly chatted whilst waiting for the game to start.

As we were talking I felt a presence sit down next to me.

I turned around and to my pleasure it was Ryan.

I looked around and saw that Hunter was distracted from talking to Mark Anthony, Noah, and a few more of his teammates.

I quickly turn to Ryan, hoping that a quick conversation would get him to leave, or if not Hunter doesn't look for me in the stands.

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