"Are you planning on getting out any time today?" he asked, his usual sarcastic tone lingering in his voice.

"Not really, no." Harry looked up, his curls falling off of his handsome face.

"Fine, sleep in the van." he said happily before closing the door and walking away. The car beeped and we knew he had locked the door.

"No, Paul!" Zayn yelled and Paul jerked his head back before walking back.

"Sorry, what was I thinking?" he put his hand on his head as he unlocked the door. He rolled down the window a little before closing the door and locking it again, then walking away.

"PAUL!" we all said at once and he simply smiled before walking back to the building.

"Is he serious?" Harry sat up.

"This is what we get for being lazy, I guess." I shook my head.

"Louis. We're five teenage boys. What does he expect?" Niall said, playing with the leprechaun toy that was hanging above his head. I shrugged and took off my jacket, rolling it into a ball and resting my head on it.

"Looks like we'll be sleeping here tonight then." I laughed. "Night, lads."

"LOUIS!!!!!!! HARRY!! NIIIIAAAALLLLL!!!" I heard a piercing female scream from next to me as my eyes fluttered open.

"LIAM! ZAYN!" Another scream from another direction. I sat up right and peered out the van windows to discover we were surrounded by fans.

"Oh shit." Niall groaned as cameras flashed.

"PAUL!" I screamed as I saw our bodyguard AKA babysitter, at the back of the crowd. "PAUL, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I almost laughed, watching the man try and push through the crowd.

"Only us." Harry laughed. "Only we could get into a situation as stupid as this."

"Paul, get us the fuck out of here!" Zayn was getting irritated by all the cameras flashing in his face.

"Zayn, there's little kids out there, watch your mouth." Liam scolded Zayn and he shrugged, mouthing 'sorry' to the fans. The fans soon grew louder. I would roll the window down further but the it was locked. Wait, that's it!

"Paul!" I yelled and caught his attention. "Unlock the car!"

The car beeped and soon, we were all pushing our doors open. We slammed the doors and I threw a thumbs up, telling Paul to lock the car again. Suddenly we found ourselves swarmed with fans, being grabbed and pulled every way you could think of. I smiled and hugged a few fans, signing things with pens they were shoving my way. I reached the end of the crowd and Paul grabbed my, wrapping one arm entirely round my waist. He lifted me in the air and I brought my legs up off the floor to make it easier. I spotted Harry being shouted at. Wait what? I looked back again to see two big guys pushing Harry and shouting at him.

"Paul, put me down." I said, resisting him a little. "Put me down!" I kicked my legs and he dropped me to the floor by accident.

"What are you doing?" he said, trying to drag me back to the front door.

"Saving Harry from those thugs you didn't notice?" I hissed back and his face looked shocked as he noticed Harry. We both rushed over and Paul started pushing the guys away.

"Harry, are you okay?" I asked, frantically hugging him.

"Yeah, they were just.."

"Assholes." I finished his sentence, squeezing him.

"Louis, Harry.." Paul said, clearing his throat. I looked up from Harry's shoulder to find Paul gesturing to the 100-something fans.

"Oh.." I whispered, panicking in my mind. Really, Lou. You're so stupid. The one thing you have to do - keep this a secret, and you can't even do that. Shit, you've still got your arms around him. I quickly let go and stepped back, putting my hood up and head down. I headed for the doors, fans chasing me. Harry was right behind me and I could hear the other boys talking with fans just behind us. I entered the pass code for the lock and quickly got inside with Harry and Paul, locking the fans outside. It sounds bad, I know, but if they got in they probably wouldn't leave us alone.

"They know I'm gay." Harry stuttered after the door was shut. "Those guys.. They knew. That's why they were trying to beat me up."

"They couldn't have known, Haz.." I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter." he shook his head.

"Actually... It does." I said after a pause. I pulled the door open and searched for the thugs with my eyes. I soon found them, sitting on the wall in the car park, laughing. I felt the anger brewing inside of me.

I put my hood back up and sneaked past the fans with my head down, unnoticed.

"Good morning." I walked up to the group, my eyes glaring at the one who I saw trying to throw punches at Harry.

"Oh look, it's another one of the gay boys!" one said, making the others laugh.

"They go in one direction, and it certainly ain't straight!" another chuckled. I was getting more and more angry. They didn't know we were gay, they were just looking for insults, like every other hater. I walked up closer to the one who seemed like a leader.

"Look, why don't you just go, yeah? You've got no reason to be here." I glared at him.

"Why should we, you little faggot?" he sneered back. Without thinking, I raised my fist and brought it back behind my head before bringing it forward with force, crashing into his jaw. I punched him again in the stomach and his little 'friends' ran away from the car park. The guy tried to push me back but I kneed him in the gut, making him groan in agony.

"You ever hurt, or even think of hurting one of my friends again, I'll fucking kill you. Understand?" I spat.

"Fuck off." he grunted as he held his stomach.

"Excuse me?"

"I said fuck off, faggot." he said and without saying a word, I punched him again, harder, in the nose.

"Do you understand now?!"

"Yeah alright, just leave me alone!" he fell to the floor. Woah. Did I just do that? Shit.

I ran back to the doors, without many people noticing me. I walked back into the building and Harry gasped at me.

"Why's there blood on your hand?"

"Oh.. I may have hurt him. Just a little." I shrugged, trying to find somewhere to wipe the blood.

"You really didn't have to do that... You shouldn't have done it." Harry shook his head as Paul handed me a tissue from his pocket to wipe the blood, probably from his nose.

"No, I did have to. People like that have to learn a lesson sooner or later." I sighed and Paul groaned.

"You know if the press find out.. Or Simon.. You're gonna be in deep shit either way." Paul added, closing the door behind Zayn as he strolled in, he screaming fading as the door closed. Soon Liam and Niall also walked in and the screams grew louder as the door opened, then once again faded as the door closed.

"Well that was a fun experie-- WOAH, Louis what the fuck happened here?" Niall pointed to the tissue covered in blood.

"Nose bleed." I lied quickly.

"The truth, please?" Liam smirked.

"He basically gave this guy a bit of a beating." Harry shook his head.

"Do I want to know why?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Probably not." Harry quickly said before I could speak.

"He deserved it, okay?" I laughed.

We headed back up to the apartment and Harry 'thanked' me for what I'd done. Wow. I should beat up Harry's enemies more often.

Holding My Breath ~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now