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Dear diary

I reread my entry and it seems like I'm being really unfair on him, specially he done so much for me.

Will I'm not doing this because I want to defy the higher up rather I'm just trying to keep my promise to Siren, the girl who appear out of nowhere and disappear like she never existed at all.

Actually she's the reason I manage to change the rule that given to us.

Will I can only do this in this life time but i have to add another life time to the contract.

Diary for your information, I really want to be together with him but I need to this in this life time. After all this life is a free one. I can do what I want in the time limit that was given to me. I just hope I can change my precious boy Destiny.

The multi verse awesome villain.

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now