Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

I stood outside his office, contemplating on how I would tell this to him. It might look like I was imposing but I really have to get out before twelve noon. I raised my fist to knock but dropped it again; would he allow me without asking questions? Ugh. I took one deep breath and knocked on the door two times. His muffled voice said 'come in' and I turned the doorknob. I slid inside and stood awkwardly.

"Yes, Ms. Smith?" He peeked at me under those large papers he was holding that looked like blue prints to me.

"Sir," I started. Dang, I was so nervous like I was in the principal's office because of a food fight in the cafeteria in high school. He nodded, urging me to go on and I gulped. Here goes nothing.

"Can I leave for a moment during lunch break? I'll be back in an hour." I mumbled.

"Sure." He shrugged and continued ruling on the paper and I gaped at him.

"It's okay?" I enquired again and he met my eyes.

"Yeah, why not? It's lunch break, but be back in an hour." He said, dismissing me. I nodded and went out, letting out a long sigh of relief. Well that went unexpectedly well.

"Whoa, that's long!" Keith joked and I smiled at him.

"I'm going out, see you later." I said and took my bag and keys in my cubicle before getting out of the building. So I ended up working here again, we decided to be friends and that was it, simple.

I fetched Nath from the ballet school and went home. I hired a babysitter to take care of her whenever I was at work.

"Please take care of her, make her nap after I go out. She likes watching sponge bob on Nick, I told you that already, right?" I said. Looney, Nath's babysitter nodded and smiled. She was petite and smaller than me by few inches; she has short brown hair and was currently in her college using student loans.

"Yes, Ms. Smith, you briefed me already." She smiled reassuringly at me, I think she could feel my agitation, but I didn't really want to leave my daughter. Ugh, having a job sucked, but it was needed. What logic. I nodded and kissed Nath goodbye.

"Bye baby, see you later, be good to Looney, okay?" I kissed her again and she smiled.

"Yeah mommy," She giggled and I patted her head. I bid them goodbye and went back to the office.

When I went back, I knocked on Nate's office but no one answered. I frowned and went back to sit on my cubicle. I still have to finish typing a contract. It was a while later when Genie went inside my cubicle and sat on my table and watched me type on my computer.

"The boss is out, for some briefing with a park manager." She answered my unspoken question and I just nodded.

"Hey." She whispered making me look at her.

"What?" I asked.

"What's going on between you two?" She asked and my eyebrows snapped together, not knowing exactly whom she was talking about. I was concentrating on my work, that even I was talking to her my attention was halved.

"With who?" I asked, going back on typing, I really needed to finish this stuff.

"With the boss," She said in a duh voice and I choked with air, my fingers arresting in mid air.

"Nothing," I answered quickly, too quickly that it might raise suspicion. Thankfully she just shrugged and we talked about few more things like her boyfriend and past love lives.

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