Chapter 8 Into The Forest

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So she ruby reads the grave and as she reads the grave she see's a name on it that is noticed.

Ruby mom then this is my aunts grave and i was to be taken not mom but then omg my mom is the one to carry this sword not me.

As the sword reacts to ruby it see's the light in rubys heart as it glows she feels more stronger now she will go to the forest and fight the beast in there and save her family.

So ruby runs for the forest and she see's a cross necklace on the grave near the forst as well it chosen ruby like the sword did

Ruby this is the end of you black monster i will bring justice to you.

So ruby runs in to the forest and she gets to the start of the forest and she walks in and there is the bonekeepers and Ruby runs and slashes thought them as if it was nothing and she runs to the middle and there are blob monsters and ruby swings her sword and a wave of energy it kills them and lights up the forest.

Mean time

Doctor ace what was that red.

Red that is ruby fighting to get her family back i feel as she has a sword powerfull enought to rip right thought the monsters now plus she does not need my help no more.

Doctor ace ohh ok your right she does not need your help but she needs you more then ever to keep faith in her red.

Red i do and i will always.

So ruby slashed hacked ripped thrashed and cut thought the monsters and now she has the tools to end this all with a swing of here sword and not going to let the black monster kill her family.

Ruby black monster i am coming for you it will be a cold day in hell before you kill me.

Female Reporter this is channel 9 news as you see people the hero of the town is here to get her family back and this 25 year old woman has a sword of light in her hands and is calling to the notorus black monster.

of the town people are starting to move into the forest doctors nurse and even patients are coming to see the hero fight the notoris black monster.

Ruby cam guy get that dam cam on me now.

Cam guy ahh ok.

Ruby give up my family black monster and if you do i will follow you into the pits of hell and i will unlease a power 10 fold at you my way or the hightway it will be a cold day in hell before you kill me i am right outside of you cabin black monster.

Black monster yes you are i see that.

As the black monster runs ruby slashes the black monster.

Black monster ahhhhhh your going to pay for what you did i will see you in hell little girl.

As the black monster disappears she runs to the cabin and breaks the lock on it.

Ruby mom dad grandma grandpa brother.

Rubys dad princess i am so happy to see you its been so long.

Rubys mom yes dear it has been so long.

Rubys grandma ohh ruby i am so proud of you.

Rubys Grandpa ruby i am so proud of you to.

Dirk hey sis i new you would not forget about us why did you wait so long thought.

Ruby i was in and out of the hospital and red has been helpping me plus i was not old enough to carry the sword i have now he cant help much now he is 9 years old he is pretty old now so doctor ace had take him to the hospital.

Forest Of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora