8. End

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"We have to do it now." Harrison spoke, putting more pressure on the ancient wood. The table stayed still despite the demons might- and the heat coiling in the pit of his palm.

"Are you sure now's the right time? We could give it a few days and-" One of the council members tried to speak, to change Harrisons plan and wait but he wasn't having any of it.

"We need to do it now! Within a few days that could have collected themselves, be able to fight back and take more of us than necessary." Harrison was getting frustrated as he took control while Tom sat in the back of the room, head down in a haze- a world of his own. "Tom?" Harrison's voice was harsher then he intended, but the longer they waited the less their chances of succeeding were.

The king had been listening intently the whole time with his head in his hands, mentally noting every flaw with each of the mens plans. He felt the power surging through every inch, every vein and he felt simply electric. Soon they'd all be bowing for him- not just hell, but the angels too. And the angels that hurt his girl- His queen, they'd burn in the deepest, darkest pits of hell. Living the pain she felt every minute- every day. It made his eyes turn a deep black.

Tom stood up, leaving the seat discarded. "Harrison's right, we need to do this today." Harrison smirked cockily and gave the other councilman a side eye.

Truthfully the king wanted to do it as soon as possible. He was just itching to wrap his hands around the councilman's neck, to hear their breathing fall short and halter beneath him, hearing the men beg for their existences.

One of the counsil men near the other end of the table stood up, coughing nervously before speaking. "Your highness- the men, the gear can't be ready in time. It can take days."

"We don't have days." Tom smacked his fist against the wall making it shake, Tessa's low growl made his chuckle lightly. "We don't need all of the men, I can take all of Heaven- heck I could probably do it from here but we need defenses. Not all of the men but a fair amount."

"Your highness-"

"If anyone has anything else to say then they can say it to Harrison because I'm not listening. We're doing this Today at dusk." Tom played with a flame in the palm of his hand, watching the heat grow as he stared the men down with a threatening gaze. "Prepare the men and if Heaven catches even a whiff of this then I'll have someones head, got it?"

Harrison, who was just as excited as Tom stood tall, back straight and bowed gently, a small smirk adorning his features. "We'll begin right away, my king."


You sat up in the bed, black sheets and duvet held up to your chest as you looked around Tom's room. The memories from the night before came back vividly, the proof came from the ache between your legs and the light fingerprints that were scattered across your arms, of which looked like they were already beginning to heal and disperse. You didn't mind them at all, instead you wanted to savour them and let them remain for a little while longer.

Some of what had happened seemed like a haze, a beautiful one at that but your mind felt slightly foggy, eyelids still heavy as you gripped the sheets. You wanted to fall back and go back to sleep but Tom wasn't there. He hadn't been the moment you woke up but his side was still messy. It must've been, what? Ten hours, twelve?

Did you want to risk climbing out of the bed? Only to end up possibly falling to the floor and injuring yourself- thus earning a lecture about being safe from Tom? Truthfully The bed was much too warm to get out of so there you remain with sheets tucked under your chest and duvet bunching around your waist.

Heaven and Hell | T.HTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon