5. Awake

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Toms' lips moved against your own roughly, even slowing to grunt softly. It was indescribable, the feeling-, utterly amazing and you couldn't help but reach a handout and grip his wings, the black feathers that to anyone else would be sharp and prickly, were nothing but soft and silky to your touch.

You almost missed the pool forming between your legs. The feeling was foreign and you tried pulling away so that you could fix yourself-, shield yourself in embarrassment but Tom moved before you could. His hand slipped into the waistband of you black underwear, running along your bare skin before moving down slightly.

You rocked your hips against his thigh, that plus the feeling of his fingers trailing lower, and lower down until they hit your heat was euphoric. You moaned into his mouth, lower body tensing as his fingers ran up and down the warmth.

"T-Tommy," You pulled away, muttering softly when his lips attached to the skin on your neck.

He moved his lips away from your neck, gripping your chin gently with his free hand. "Yeah, Angel? What do you want?"

In heaven, this never would've been allowed. The feeling of even so much as his skin against yours-, his ungodly flesh. They'd say that he was corrupting you, turning your brain to nothing but jelly.

"I want you." The words were all too clear, too confident for your taste.

"Like this, princess?" He directed towards his fingers that were currently collected your wetness. You liked it, sure, but you wanted-, needed something else. Something one would simply describe as bigger.

You shake your head, whining and rut your hips against his thigh again, pouting when his free hand gripped your clothed hip, stopping the movements that sent waves of friction down below. "No, angel, words." He scolds, deep brown eyes flicking to that deep, black you had since familiarized yourself with.

Toms' eyes were completely blown with lust and desire and that only increased when you looked up at him with those big, innocent eyes that he adored. You looked him dead in the eye as one of your hands moved from his bicep to the hardening length between his legs and gave it a squeeze. "You know, Tommy."

Waking up that morning was-, something else. Your body heat was anything above normal and the thin layer of sweat that had built up over seemingly your whole body wasn't enough to tell you what had happened. What did, was the wetness that had formed between your legs and the way your nipples could be seen clear as day poking through the thin, white t-shirt you'd worn to bed.

You sighed to yourself, even smiling softly when your fingertips came into contact with the black sheets. For a place so dark, demonic, they were so soft and comforting and dare you say it-, better then Heavens. Your fingers brushed over your lips softly, heat rising in your cheeks when you remembered what had happened yesterday in the library. Tom had kissed you, You had kissed him and it felt... amazing. In Heaven kissing was so much more than just locking lips, it was marking someone as yours but did it mean the same thing in Hell? You wondered if Tom was marking you as his, or as just another one of his girls... surely he had someone, he was the King.

You also remembered that feeling... the desire for something more than what he was giving you. It was the dull ache from below, the feeling of your knees almost giving out and your heart almost beating out of your chest with every movement he made. You knew what it was now, it was lust. This was ungodly and you went against the council in more ways than one. For a moment, you were prepared to give your body to another-, to the one that didn't bare the same wings.

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