"Will you be my daddy?"

The entire crowd errupts into applause as Klay drops the papers onto the floor, swoops Hope up into his arms and hugs her tightly. All of his teammates, even Nick, applaud loudly, and I wipe my eyes as Klay places soft kisses all over Hope's head.

I honestly don't think I have ever seen him this happy before...

...and hopefully after the next bit of news, he'll be even happier.

"That is so sweet! He said yes, ladies and gentleman! But wait, there's more!"

Klay's eyes widen in surprise, and he quickly looks at Steph in question. I would pay a good amount of money to know what he is thinking right now.

Blowing out a deep breath, I slowly make my way out onto the court with a small nervous smile on my face. "Hi."

Klay smiles nervously at me as he pulls me in close and kisses me quickly. "Hey. I can't believe you did all of this. This is the best birthday gift you could have given me, Logan."

I glance back at Steph for encouragement, who is grinning at me from ear to ear, before I look back at Klay. "Are you sure about that?"

His brow furrows as he looks down at me. "Well, I was...until you asked me that."

I really wish I wasn't so nervous right now, because this situation would be absolutely hilarious.

Before I can say anything else, a cake that is shaped and looks just like a basketball is wheeled out onto the floor by Draymond and Shaun, and they park it right in front of Klay, who looks at in awe before looking back at me. "Logan..."

"Let's all sing Happy Birthday to one of our favorite players! One, two, three!"

"Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you

Klay stares at me longingly before mouthing 'I love you' to me and giving Hope another kiss on her head.

Happy Birthday dear Klay
Happg Birthday to you!

The whole arena errupts into applause, and I can't help but smile as I stand next to him.

"Make a wish."

He blows out the candles without another thought, and to my surprise, he pulls me into him with his free arm and kisses me soundly before smiling at me. "I don't need to make a wish. Everything I want is right here in my arms."

Teaes form in my eyes, and I internally fight with myself to hold in my emotions for a little bit longer.

Steph takes Hope from Klay and hands him a knife. "Cut the cake, bro. I'm starving."

The rest of the Warriors chuckle, and I bite my lip gently as Klay cuts the first piece.

Before he can put it onto a plate, I ask, "Do you think you could get used to there being four of us?"

He chuckles quietly before leaning down to quickly peck my lips. "I definitely could, but there's only three of us."

When he plates the cake, his eyebrows shoot up as he takes in the rich blue color of it. Realization dawns on his face as the entire arena errupts into loud cheers.

Nervously, I glance down at my feet. "There will be four of us... in just a few months."

The look of shock on Klay's face morphs into the largest smile I have ever seen, and I gasp as ne picks me up and spins me around. "I'm going to be a dad? Twice over?"

Laughing, I nod my head. "Are you okay with that?"

He holds me in his arms and stares down into my eyes with tears in his own. "Logan, I'm more than okay with it. This is the happiest I've ever been. You're all that I've ever wanted and so much more. And now with Hope and our little guy on the way... I have all I'll ever need."

~The End~

**Author's Note** To everyone who has taken the time to read this story, thank you so much! From your feedback to just the amount of reads this has received, I am so happy. I am really glad that so many of you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it, and although I am sad that it has come to an end, I am grateful that it is finally completed. Until next time, my Klay Thompson fans!

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