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peter's pov

over the next two weeks MJ watched me like a hawk. Every class we shared she either drew in her sketch book or stared at me. Honestly i'm surprised she didn't follow me into the bathroom too. it was definitely unnerving, but Ned and i were just extra careful all week.

it seemed that everyone who was present at the gym during Flash and I's incident, unanimously agreed to pretend it never happened. i knew that some of them whispered about it ti their friends, but i didn't worry too much about that. i had way worse things to worry about than some stupid kids talking about me behind my back.

flash gave me some space after it too, which was was nice, but also annoying. i didn't need their stupid pity. thankfully though, after about a week i went back to being the nerd of the class and everyone went back to ignoring me or treating me like usual.

Everyone that is except MJ. While we sat in our usual seats at lunch, Ned and I talked about the usual things, theories for nerd stuff, homework, anything but my Stark internship. She might not be suspicious about that yet, but with the way she watched me she was bound to hear Ned or I slip up sooner or later if we weren't careful so i had told him earlier this week to just not talk about it at all in school. it was just to easy for him to whisper too loudly or say the wrong thing and get us both in trouble, so better to just abandon the discussion altogether.

"so you busy this afternoon?" Ned asked with his mouth full of chicken salad. his mom was an exceptional cook, unlike aunt May, so all his lunches were homemade and tasted delicious. She even occasionally made me some too and sent it with Ned.

"oh, sorry man, Mr. Stark called me this morning when i was getting ready and told me Happy will be picking me up right after school to bring me to the compound. he said he needs my help with a project or something?"

"woah dude! no way!" we both looked to where Michelle was sitting a few seats over to see if she was paying attention or had been listening to what i had said. she had her nose in a book and didn't appear to be aware of anything going around around her, but still Ned and i lowered our voices and leaned in closer when speaking.

"did he say what the project was?" Ned asked excitedly, having a little bit of trouble keeping his voice low on such an incredible subject. he still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I, his best friend and school nerd, Peter Parker knew Tony Stark.

"No, he didn't give any specific details, only that happy would be waiting for me when school ends and to not keep him waiting."

"thats so freaking awesome! Tony Stark called you. WAIT! Does he have your number?! like IN his contacts? like saved? as Peter Parker or like 'my intern'? does he have a nickname for you? Do you two talk a lot? do you work on projects a lot together? can i come?" Ned was asking questions so fast it would make anyone who didn't know him head explode. but since this happened every time i brought up Mr. Stark with him, or anything spiderman related, i was used to the never ending flow of questions. i just hoped MJ hadn't head, it might make her suspicious .

"Ned, sometimes i really wonder if you seriously expect me to answer all your questions." this seemed to close the topic and we went back to talking about normal not suspicious things in normal tones.

By the end of lunch i was proud of us. besides the brief minute where we discussed Mr. Starks call, we hadn't done anything major to cause MJ or anyone to get any ideas. at least thats what it felt like.


school was over with no incidents other than when flash tripped me on my way out of chemistry, which shouldn't even count as a misshape compared to other days. lately I'd been making a habit of recording my school days to Karen after school for future reference. And honestly it was nice talking about it to someone other than Ned on occasion, even if she wasn't a human, she listened better than anyone and was easy to talk to and didn't judge him. it was nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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