The Story Behind The Hero

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Peter's pov:

I still remember the pain of Ben's death like it happened yesterday. Sure it had been almost a year and a half ago, but every time I looked at my arms I was reminded of those painful times.


I watched my mom and dad from the doorstep of Aunt May and Uncle Ben's home, waving goodbye and promising them to be good for my aunt and uncle.

"I'll see you on Thursday Peter! I love you, stay out of trouble." Mom blew a kiss before getting  into the car with dad, who waved over the hood. I stood and watched as they slowly disappeared from view, driving away into the city.

If I had known that would be the last time I ever saw them I would have chased them down and begged for one last hug goodbye. I would have begged them not to go. I would have told them so many things I never got to.

May and I  watched the news that night only to hear the horrible disaster. The plane my mom and dad had been on had crashed and there were no survives.  May sunk to the floor with a heart breaking cry as those words came through the tv, and began to sob .

As she sat on the floor I understood only two things. One: My mom and dad would not be coming home.
Two: aunt may missed them.
Her whole body was shaking with sobs, and since Uncle Ben was on his way home from work still, I knew she needed someone to hug her. So I did just that. I draped my small arms around her neck and whispered in her ear as gently as I could,

"Its okay Aunt May, we'll see them soon. But until then we need to make them proud and stay out of trouble, right?"

She looked up at me with wondering eyes, obviously thinking how a child so young and small could find the courage and kindness to comfort the person who should be comforting Him. She stopped crying and said in a soft voice, "yes. We need to stay strong for them and make them proud. Everyday."

I nodded my head in response, still not fully grasping that they were really gone, but knowing that she was right. We needed to be good like they had told me.

After a few years things had become a happy routine around the Parker household. Ben and May now official guardians of peter had taken on the role quite nicely, and they were very proud of the boy he was and the man he was becoming. He was top of all his classes, always stayed out of trouble, and continued to be the sweet boy they knew. 

But as fate would have it, peter parker was not allowedto have happiness for long.


May, Ben, and I were sitting on the couch having our weekly movie night, and it was Mays turn to pick, so we watched pride and prejudice for the fifth time. It was one of Mays favorites so Ben and I had learned to get used to the chick flicks. As may washed the dishes, I sat on a bar stool next to the counter just finishing some homework my math teacher had given us.

 At about 8:00 may asked me if I would mind going out and grabbing a couple groceries from the store since they were running low. I groaned and complained about really not wanting to go out because I had to finish "homework" when I honestly just didn't feel like it.

"I'll go." Ben said from the couch where he was sitting watching a baseball game to 'regain his masculine card' after watching that movie.

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