A Surprise Encounter

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Michelle Jones. That girl is a mystery to me. I mean all girls my age are, but Michelle was an even bigger mystery. I'm not saying I have a crush on her or anything but I feel it's important for you to understand a little about her. When Most girls were trying out for cheerleading or gossiping in the bathroom, Michelle was reading some book or doing whatever team captains do or something else. She didn't waste time trying to fit in but stood out instead. She said she didn't have friends but she sat with Ned and I every day at lunch for the past 2 years. Since nationals she seemed to considered all of us officially friends and when she called a meeting for us, there didn't always have to be a ligit reason other than "we need to practice" but I think that was her way of getting us to hang out without damaging her reputation of not caring about us nerds. But maybe she didn't really consider us friends and I am just misinterpreting her. See what I mean? She's a mystery. Whatever the case I get worried sometimes. Im not sure if she is just observant like she says, or if she has a lot of free time to stalk, but either way she is the one person im afraid will find out my secret. She noticed things no one else dose, which can be dangerous for me since I really don't need the stress of another person knowing about me being Spider-Man . But since everyone thinks I'm a weak nerd who lied about knowing Spider-Man to seem cool, I doubt she'll think anything more of me to guess that in Spider-Man. The only other thing I have to worry about Is her accidently seeing something she shouldn't that gives it away.


School started two weeks ago and so far it's been as Normal as you can get being Spider-Man. I was sitting at the lunch table with Ned talking about this new Lego set I had gotten this past weekend that had 4,000 pieces, while MJ sat her usual 5 seats away reading to kill a mockingbird. I'm pretty sure she read that book last year but she seemed to have a new book every week so it was hard to remember.
"So have you started building it yet?" Ned asked while stuffing his mouth with ham and cheese sandwich.
"No I've been really busy with the stark internship lately and haven't gotten a chance to sit down and play with Legos"
"Ohh," he said with a knowing look
"Do you want me to come over tonight and help you? Maybe bring some pizza?"
I thought about it for a minute wondering if I'd be able to take a break for one night. The city hadn't been bustling with crime activity this week so I thought it should be okay.
"Yeah, sure. Just let me check with Mr. Stark to let him know I'll be taking the night off."
"Hey Mr. Stark, its Peter. Parker."
"Yeah, hey kid what do you need?"
"I just wanted to know if you needed me for any missions tonight? I mean do you need my help for anything? I was going to do this thing with Ned, but if you need me I can cancel." I was on the top of the some business building in downtown. I had just gotten out of school and decided to take a detour on the way home and climbed the first building I saw to call Mr. stark.
"Look kid, what have I told you. We probably won't need you for anything major for awhile and if we do-"
"-You'll call me, but until then keep up my normal life." I finished for him with a sigh.
"That's right, so you do listen."
I heard some people on his end of the phone that were talking to him about something to do with Vision's room being on fire.
"Damn it. Kid I got to go. Have fun with Nell."
"Its actually Ned-" Tony hung up and I put my phone away with a sigh.

When were we going to have another mission? All I did all day was minor things like return stolen bikes and stop people who steal cars. I was grateful Mr. Stark let me keep the suit and all, don't get me wrong, but when would I be as important as captain America or Hulk? I'm tired of everyone treating me like a kid. I stood up with one last sigh and reminded myself that I was important. That any guy my age would love to be me. As I stood here sulking I heard a scream coming from a few blocks away. I listened carefully for another scream and heard her cry out for help. Without wasting another second I pulled on my mask and jumped off the building.
I landed behind a dumpster in the ally where I saw four figures  about five feet away. Three of them appeared to be men and one was a girl who looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't really see her face. I realized that they had taken her backpack and were attempting to touch her but She wasn't having any of that. She kicked one of the men in the groin and while he doubled over in pain, but the other in the face before he had time to react. By the time she turned to the third one he was prepared. He caught her fist and hit her in the face, causing her to gasp in pain.

This was the first time of ever had  something like this happen and I burned with rage. All I could think of was aunt May or Liz in this situation and I wanted to beat these perverts into a pulp.

"Hey, asshole! Get away from her right now or else!" Usually I make a sarcastic comment about them having a party without me but they crossed a line when they touched a woman against her will. I was so angry I didn't focus on the girl but rather on the three perverts, who turned to face me. Two of them were wearing ski masks and the third only had a Bennie on. They all pulled out knives and smirked at me probably not thinking I could do much damage against the three of them, who had weapons. I had on my suit but no one had seen me do any real damage in it because the battle with the avengers hadn't been videoed and the battle with the Vulture hadn't either, so all they're ever seen me do in this suit was stop robberies and save kids in an elevator pretty much. The Three advanced on me showing off their knife skills, probably to itimadate me, but it just made them look dumb. I walked to meet them and when I got within arms length the one without the ski mask lashed out with his knife at my side which I easily side steeped and shot my web at his hand that held the knife, sticking it to the ally wall. As he tried to get his hand free, perv number two gave me his best shot, coming at me with a knife in each hand. he seemed to be a little more experienced in fighting than the one before him, but I was still better and stronger. I dodged his first blade and punched him in the gut pretty hard for me since I usually go easy on the guys I fight, but they deserved it for what they had been doing. He fell to the ground and  perv number three decided to try his hand. He put down the girl's bag and came at me yelling, but I simply did a flip over his head and and he stumbled over the guy who was still groaning on the pavement.
"Whoops! You should really look where your going." I taunted him from behind.
He picked himself up quickly and was joined by perv number one who had gotten his arm free and was back for round two.
"Bring it on." I said under my breath.
They charged me on either side and as I slid between their legs I shot my web, catching their feet and pulling them out from under them, causing them to fall hard on their faces. I shot a gradade web at their bodies and they were stuck together on the ground. Being preoccupied I hadn't thought about perv number three, who had recovered from my punch in the gut, and by the time I heard the girl, who had taken cover behind a dumpster, yell "behind you!" He had already brought his knife down. I was only able to move out of the line of direct hit but it still cut into my arm enough to bleed and hurt like hell. I cursed myself for not paying attention, what would Tony say? Probably "kid, we spent  three months training only for you to forget all of it the first fight you run into. Great job." I webbed him to the ally like I should have done the first time to finish him off.
As I was dabbing my cut the girl cane out from behind the dumpster and walked up to me.
"Are you okay ma'am?" I asked as she stopped in front of me.
"Yeah I'm fine. You came just before I could  beat the shit out if those losers."
I looked up from my arm at the sound of her voice and stopped dead in my tracks. I suddenly realized why she seemed so familiar. The laughing was better at this end of the ally and I could finally see her face clearly. The girl who I had just saved from Being attacked was none other than Michelle Jones.

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