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Screams echoed through the village as the fire spread. the king and queen watched as the village burned to the ground. soon they to were engulphed in flames before their bodies died and continued burning on the floor. The king from the other kingdom stood amongst the flames watching as everything came to an end. Never did he think he'd be so proud to destroy the Light Kingdom.

Y/n jerked upright in bed. She looked around and up at the stars through the skylight. She wanted to see her kingdom again. She wondered if she looked out from a high point in the castle if maybe she could see it. After all, the kingdom naturally reflected the pale violet moonlight in the night.

She got up and activated her quirk. Emitting a ball of light from her hand so that she could see.

She walked over to a hook on the wall that was displaying a light shawl. Placing the shawl over her shoulders she snuck out the door and down the hall.

She eventually her way to a high bridge. One side looked over the large garden the other side looked over the kingdom and 30 miles beyond. She looked up at the stars and took in the light. before looking back at the landscape to try and find her kingdom. But she could not find it.

The princess felt a tear stream down her face, and then another and another. Her tears just kept falling as her breaths got heavier and whimpers fell from her lips. She leaned over the edge of the palace. 

"Princess?" Y/n heard a colorless yet concerned voice. She knew who it was.

She felt a warm hand on her back as a cold one was placed over her hand. She wanted to tell him not to touch her but also wanted to lean closer to his body for comfort. She did neither.

"I'll have you know I'm not fond of you Prince." She said emphasizing "Prince" Sarcastically.

He took his hands off of her. "I know" He awkwardly stared over the dark night scene. "Then why would come out here and hold me like that?" Y/n retorted.

"Well for one. I couldn't go back to sleep. And I held you because I was worried about you."


The Prince looked away "I had a nightmare..." He said embarrassed. Y/n looked at him in awe. "I-I had a nightmare too... what was your's about?"

"Um... My father burnt down the Light Kingdom..." He answered. "Really?" the h/c ed girl asked in shock. He just turned to her. "Yes is something wrong Princ- Oh that's your kingdom isn't it?" Y/n nodded. "I Also had that same nightmare." Y/n said, still in shock.

"Oh, so you came out here to look at it too? The Light Kingdom I mean."

"Yes, but I couldn't find it so I guess I should go back to my room." She said with a frown as she began to walk away but a hand grabbed her by the wrist.

"Wait don't go." The prince said almost sounding panicked. "I'll show it to you." He said lightly pulling her towards him. 

They reached a point where they could see past a tower that had previously narrowed their view. "Now, Stop," He said stopping her by holding her shoulders. "Look to the far right... see that violet light?" He smiled as he watched her face light up.

"OH MY GOD, I SEE IT!" A large bright smile formed on her face.

"I wonder how everyone is doing..." She said. "Like your family and staff?" Shoto asked.

"Well them, and all the citizens..."

The Prince paused. He had found a princess who not only was beautiful but cared about her people and was starting to give him a chance. There was doubt he was growing fond of her.

Prince Shoto walked to her side, dragging his hand along her back, and leaned on the railing.

"I want to get to know you." He said

The Princess paused and stared at him with a skeptical look. He blankly stared back silently telling her he was serious.

She sighed and gazed back over the ledge

"Well, I'm Princess Y/n from the Light Kingdom. I love sword fighting, not the biggest fan of participating in quirk fights. And I was separated from my family in order to protect my people." The Princess starred off at her distant home.

"Wait, what do you mean to protect your people?" The Prince asked confused.

The Princess was baffled. She stared at him in disarray

"You really don't know what happened?" Shouto shook his head in concern.

The Princess explained her situation. "Wow, You really care about your people." The Prince said in awe. The Princess did not respond she just stared off to the distant kingdom.

Silence fell over them for a minute or two. 

A frown appeared on the two-toned Prince's face"My mother was the princess of the Water Kingdom. She was forced from her home by the king. Then he forced her to marry him. The last day she was alive she poured boiling water over my left eye. Saying, she couldn't stand to look at me anymore. My father was furious and demanded she stay away from me forever." The princess became more interested in his story." the next morning she was found dead of disease in her bed. "

 "I wish I wasn't such a burden for her." He mumbled his last words as he gazed off the palace bridge. 

The Princess was at a loss for words. She wanted to help him but she knew she couldn't.

"I'm sure she didn't mean what she said." 

Silence fell between them.

"Your sob story won't help me accept what your family did to me though." Y/n said shortly before a yawn escaped her lips. 


"You need sleep, I'll walk you back to your room," Todoroki said circling around her and over to the door she came from. 

"Not very Polite of you too not offer your arm." She scoffed. "Not very polite of you to assume I played a role in my bastard old man's decision." He said as he waited for her to follow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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