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"I never properly introduced myself did I?" He said Y/n was very confused at the sudden change of subject. He held out a hand. "Kirishima." Y/n shuttered at the familiar name.

"Wait." She said

He lifted off his helmet and flashed a smile. "Prince, Kirishima!" He said still smiling.

Y/n's mouth dropped wide open. The knight gave her a nod

"B-but please don't call me that! It's not like it's a secret but it could get you and me in big trouble. I'm not considered a prince to anyone in the Fire Kingdom." Y/n blinked "That's really sad." She stated. He nodded. "I hardly even remember my life in the Earth Kingdom. It was only a few years ago but still." 

Y/n recalled hearing the news about the Earth Prince's kidnap about 6 years ago. It was during a war between the Fire Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom. A war that ended with the Earth Kingdom's demise and the Fire Kingdom take all its Citizens. Y/n looked at the ex-prince and saw that he was on the verge of tears. "Prince?" y/n asked. 

"Sometimes I wish I could go back." He turned away  "But I can't. So instead I just put on a brave manly smile! It always makes me feel better!" He looked back at her and smiled wide. "Also, don't call me prince. Not only am I not a prince anymore. It also never really suited me." Y/n smiled and nodded. "Yes, sir!"

They both sat in silence for a bit after that, this ride was taking forever. 

"So I have a confession..." Kirishima started. 'Oh god' thought y/n "go on..." She said. 

"I've always wondered more about your families quirks. Is that weird?" He said. Y/n paused and stared at the redhead. "Not at all. A lot of people wonder about our quirks. wanna hear more about mine?" His face lit up. "Yes, please princess!"

"Ok, I call my quirk Starlight because I can control Light and I get my quirk's energy from the stars. It's not a great fighting quirk but I've never been much into quirk battles I prefer swords and bows. I'm proud of it though. It's very pretty" She fiddled with the frills on her fancy light Violet dress and trilled a piece of hair that had fallen out of place. 

"Wow, we couldn't be more different! My quirk is Hardening It's great for quirk battles. And I love those. But it doesn't look very cool." 

The hair y/n was playing with a piece of h/l hair that had fallen straight in her face. She tried to blow it away but it stayed there. "You should probably fix that, we're getting close to the kingdom," Kirishima said. "pft I couldn't care less what the piece of shit palace members think of me." Kirishima furrowed his brow. "With all due respect, You should care Princess. Endeavor will have it out for you and your kingdom if you so much as step on the wrong patch of grass," said Kirishima. "humph" 

"And also not all the palace members are pieces of shit. Including Prince Shoto. Now please fix your hair, Princess."

 "Humph, Yes sir." Y/n picked up the hair and tucked it back into place just as they passed through the kingdom's gate. y/n was aghast. "Wow! This looks a lot better then I had imagined!" y/n stared out the window Every corner had a torch lit with an eternal flame. The houses were built of cobblestone and decorated with ornate windows and accents. It didn't look as pretty to her as the marble covered light kingdom but she still thought it was beautiful "What did you expect from the second biggest kingdom Princess?" The knight laughed.

"Is this seriously a place where they keep kidnapped townsfolk?" the princess asked. This question took him off guard. "Oh sorry, sir! I didn't mean To-" "No no Milady! It's an understandable question. and the answer is sadly, no. very few people are allowed to visit just royalty and high up knights. Even though King Endeavor even banned Prince Natsuo from visiting because it was suspected that he helped a large group of the kidnapped break out." 

"And what about The other siblings? Are they allowed to go? 

"Yes but the only one who ever does is Princess Fuyumi. I don't know why Prince Shoto doesn't, he probably just doesn't have the time I heard the King drills him with battle routines." Y/n growled. Of course, she had to be stuck marrying a scum bag who never had time for anyone other than himself. 

The kidnapped prince continued "All though he's the youngest, he's the most powerful. The Elder Prince was the original heir to the throne. But when His younger brother's quirk developed Endeavor decided that all of the other siblings were failures and he wanted the youngest to be his heir. That's when the oldest of them left forever. the Princess spends all her time thinking of a way to make the Kingdom happy and Prince Natsuo Leaves every Summer to study the remains of The Water Kingdom and The rest of the year he spends helping his Sister with the Kingdom. Poor Prince Shoto probably wishes he could join. But instead, he has to spend nearly all day in the palace training to become a king." 

Y/n thought for a second. Sir Kirishima had said Prince Shoto wasn't like his father. But it was hard to believe that when He apparently never left the castle to see his people.

Y/n leaned on the window as the carriage came to a halt. "I would fix your posture if I were you Princess.... and please, give the prince a chance." 

"grr," y/n grumbled while she fixed her posture and put on a fake smile as she waited for the horseman to open the door for her. 

The horseman came and opened it letting her out. The knight got out next to her and offered her his arm. She looked back at the carriage as butlers and maids grabbed her suitcases. She felt a tear forming in her eye. Once that carriage left it was all over. She was a member of a palace that she hated every bit of.  "Princess?" She turned around accepted the knight's arm. and they walked into the very large palace.

It was huge. Y/n preferred home though. Her fake smile faded. She had no reason to be happy that she was here. They made their way through a large set of doors. though them was the throne room. And there, on the biggest throne, sat the king. The king y/n hated with every fiber of her being.

"Princess Y/n."

"King Endeavour." She replayed in the most polite way possible. 

"It's a great Pleasure to meet you, Princess." 

"I could say the same." That was the biggest lie y/n had ever and probably would ever tell.

He paused


Then from behind the throne stepped out a young man. He had Hair that was Half red and half white. y/n had never seen anyone like him before his posture was near perfect. He was wearing a regal blue tunic with gold accents and khaki riding pants. "Shoto I told you to wear your crown." The king glared at his son and his son looked away. "I didn't want to." 

The King sighed. "I apologize, y/n he's going through a rebellious streak I'm sure he'll be out of it soon." She faked a laugh. "Shoto, at least go greet your princess." The Prince stared at his father before walking down the steps across the throne room. 

y/n couldn't help but notice how unbelievably handsome he was. but she reminded herself that he was a member of the fire kingdom. and he was born that way.

He reached her. and reached out a hand to her. She accepted his offer. He reached her hand up before leaning down a bit to place a soft kiss on top of it. he looked up from her hand his heterochromatic orbs meeting her e/c ones."I'm pleased to meet you, Princess," 

One thing was for sure. Other than his so-called "rebellious streak" He was very princely.

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