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"Last house," The Prince thought to himself. He got off his horse.

Knock Knock

A young boy with red hair, brown eyes and freckles answered. He gasped upon seeing the Prince. Shoto crouched down to the child's height. "Hello," he said in the softest tone possible for him.

"Your Highness!" The boy bowed down quickly. Causing a small smile to spread on the prince's face. "Can I see an adult, please?" Shoto asked. "Of course!" The boy disappeared into the house and came back with a woman who looked to be pregnant.

"Your Highness?!" The woman bowed. "Hello, mam."

"Oh Prince, You look Parched. Please come let me get you something." Shoto was sure it was against some kind of rule for him to go in the house. His knight even confirmed that when he tried to stop him. But the woman was right, he was parched.

"Don't worry about it being poisoned or something." The woman held her finger over a glass picture of water. Water poured out her finger. "My quirk allows my body to copy whatever I last drank and pour it out my fingers." She poured a glass for her son and a glass for the prince

"Your Highness! Look at my quirk!" The little boy said excitedly. The boy grabbed ad apple off the table "I'd duck if I were you" his mother laughed.

The Prince ducked but still watched as the little boy touched the apple with the tip of his finger. The apple exploded. "Wow." the Prince said in awe. "That's an impressive quirk!" He smiled as he leaned over and pat the boys red head earning a large wide-eyed smile. "Thank you, Prince!"

"He's very proud of it. He it only manifested a few days ago" The mother said "Oh did he?" Shoto replied before turning back towards the young boy. Whats your name?"

The boy's face gleamed "Oliver Sir!"

The boy's mother smiled and laughed. "If I may ask Your Highness. Why are you in town?"

"Oh right," Shoto said while taking a sip of his water and pulling out a scroll from his bag.

"In great honor, I would like to inform the citizens of my engagement to Y/n L/n, Princess of the Light Kingdom. To celebrate this event, the royal family will be holding a ball in a weeks time. We hope to see you there."


"Hello, Miss l/n?" Momo's voice was heard from the other side of the door. "Come in!" said y/n.

"I have news" Momo responded. This worried the princess. "Ok, what is it?"

Momo walked to the side of the bed and picked up the dishes from y/n's breakfest. "The king is holding a ball next week to celebrate your's and the prince's engagement." y/n sighed. "Momo, I've only spoken one sentence to him and that was telling him to not talk to me. Now I have to act like I'm ok with marrying him. Like, I've decided to give him a chance but I'm not gonna fall in love in a week."

"With all respect, you don't have to fall in love. You just have to do talk to him and realize that he's a very good person and acknowledge it at the ball."

Y/n looked down. Yes, she trusted Momo but she couldn't let go of the fact that he was a Todoroki. 

"I'll let you in on a secret Princess" Y/n perked up in confusion. "The Prince didn't go to breakfest because I told him you weren't going to be there. He hasn't been going to family meals because of his father I'm assuming." 

Honestly.....I ran out ideas for this chapter and just wanted to get to the stuff I know all you little thirsties really want... see you next chapter! Maybe I'll add to this chapter later idk.... byeeeee!

{{PRINCE!TODOROKIxREADER}} Violet StarlightKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat