Death of two,Leads to one

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This pain...felt familiar to you...As you looked down to see bullet holes making their homes in your body as you fell to your knees, tears falling down your eyes as you slowly looked down at the hole which frisk was falling into,You can barely make out the tears in her eyes as she saw you Getting shot and reached out, Wanting to save you as you stood there and smiled one last time as you fell backwards on the ground as the life in you started to fade away for good

(Frisk's Pov while she was falling)

" can't be happening,Not to him...why...All I wanted was to help him...the way he helped me so many's not's not fair...(Y/n)...I'm so sorry... please...forgive me...

(As frisk was falling to the flower bed,her thoughts flooded with memories of how you two met,with you playing in the rain and her watching you from her umbrella and you looked in her direction,Standing there with an innocent look,staring at her before walking towards her and smiling)

(Y/n):Hey there! I'm Y/n! (You said with a happy grin, causing her to Blush)

(Frisk):U-um hello,I'm Frisk..(She replied shyly, causing you to smile and take her hand,making her blush more) H-hey..! W-what are you-(You cut her off)

(Y/n):You like the rain don't you? Enjoy nature's free water and have fun! (You said,making her think and smile,letting go of her umbrella and joining you in playing in the rain, laughing and Splashing into puddles)

(Her memories were flooded with the good times you two shared...As tears fell down harder and her last thought before she hit the underground)

(Frisk):Y/ so sorry...I'm sorry I couldn't help you...I'm sorry I couldn't save you...Please...Forgive me...(As tears fell drop by drop before she hit the ground, blacking out)

(Timeskip, Neutral)

Once again,Born from both dead bodies,unknown of your past,You just bought the new Undertale game and was about to play it)

(Y/n):Alright,Let's Hmm...I don't know why...but maybe...Chara...(you typed in the name and looked at your screen as it said,"The true name",You didn't understand but you let it be and pressed the play button,not knowing that two dead spirits would rise in the game...keeping their promise and making sure everything will be alright...If only...)

Player Male Reader x Female Frisk and CharaWhere stories live. Discover now