Part 1 - Chapter 1

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Scarlet stumbled through the trees, her eyes on the building. After months of finding caves and canopies to hide under, she has finally found an odd little building. It looked like it was possibly a tiny store, although why a store would be out this far into the forest escaped Scarlet's brain.
Running towards it as to not burn up, she pushed open the door as gently as possible.
Only two other people roamed the isles, and one person ran the cash register.
Scarlet attempted to look inconspicuous, looking at the herbs in the isle she had found herself in. Wolfsbane, thyme, rosemary, lavender, aspen and... garlic. Shit.
Hiding softly, Scarlet walked out of that isle and into the next - crystals - slightly more irritated than she was when she came in.
And that's when the cashier took a an interest in the dirty stranger that had found her way to the store.
Wisteria Lace looked at the messy newcomer that had walked in. She was clearly supernatural, as no human would be able to find the store on accident, plus there was the irritated face after the herb isle.
That meant either a werewolf or a vampire had wandered into her store.
Stepping away from the cash register with a small flick of the wrist in the same direction, she walked towards the stranger. "Can I help you?"
Looking alarmed for a second, the tenseness in her face was quickly replaced by a pleasant smile. "Actually, you can. Do you know a place nearby where I could spend the night?"
"Nearest town is two hundred miles north. Unless you have a car, it's going to take you a while. If it's absolutely urgent, you can stay here, but I'll need to know at least a few things."
"For starters, name please?"
"Supernatural type?"
"No human can find this store on their own, as a recount of a summer faery that helped me set this place up almost three hundred fifty years ago. I'll rephrase my question: what supernatural creature are you?"
"Vampire. I became one a few days back and I've been struggling to find a place to go."
"Well then. That's all, I'm Wisteria Lace. You can call me Wisteria. You're lucky I have a very grumpy vampire roommate."
Storm was always trying and failing to sleep. These days, Wisteria always had the store open. After Musk had gained popularity in votes, supernaturals, mixes, and literally everything that wasn't purely coloured was tense. Everything except for Musk himself.
As a result, Wis opened the store 24/7 and offered help to other supernaturals.
It would seem she was helping one right now.
"So, what're you trying to do? If you're  this young of a vampire than you have to have a reason to stay slightly human."
"My... uh... girlfriend was murdered a little while ago. The case is closed but they haven't found the murderer. I wanna find them and get revenge."
"Huh. Well, maybe we'll help. Maker knows Storm's been restless for the past two hundred years."
Storm jolted up at that. The two - Wisteria and some random supernatural - made it to the room.
"Wis," Storm groaned. "Let me sleep."
"No, we've got a new vampire. A really new vampire."
"Give her some of the blood reserves and send her on her way."
"She asked us to help her. Which means no more lying around doing nothing, Storm."
"Wait, you're considering it?"
"Well, Narn still owes me a favour, so she can run the store."
"Nice! When do we start?"
"When Scarlet gets enough rest and some substance in her stomach. She'll brief you while I get into contact with Narn."
Sage Musk surveyed San Marshmallow from his penthouse, Dutch and Wine sitting in the living room.
"Voting rates have gone up, boss. That's a good sign, right?"
"Riots are getting worse, though," pointed out Dutch. "More and more freaks have come by to protest. Most have moved by the old days where everyone was pure in this city."
"That is a dilemma," mused Sage. "Fortunately, hope is easy to crush. Look at the Sparks girl. Dead, just where she belongs."
"'Course boss. Eliminate mixing before it occurs."
Dutch didn't say anything, thinking it odd in his mind. They were close to winning the election, but things would get only worse from there.
Ivory was back at the overlook, leaning to watch the waves lap at the sand. It reminded her of that night, when everything was perfect before it all spiraled out of control.
"What do you think of the sea, little Silver?" She asked aloud. Riptide had agreed to honor Silverlight with the name. Nothing else could've better fit their oldest.
"I thought I'd find you here. You should be more careful."
"Riptide, I'll be fine. I didn't learn martial arts for nothing."
"Of course you didn't. I just... don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to, I promise."

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