Chapter 1

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Before I start, if there is anything in this book related to another, it is a coincidence. I am writing this book with my imagination so don't get mad bcs there is a relation to another book. Thanks.

Rayne was a normal brown-haired blue-eyed 13 year old girl. Or so she looked.
   As she hiked back to her homely cave from her daily hunting trip, she noticed a cry from inside her home. Hearing this worried her, what was happening to her mother? Rayne sprinted to the cave and loved inside to see her mother's pearl white scales glittering in the spring sun. But then she noticed something else. Four other glittering sets of scales, one teal, one crimson, one gold, one lilac. Her mother had finally given birth. But Rayne's siblings were nothing like her. Her siblings were dragons but she was a half-blood. Half dragon, half human.
A week had passed, and her siblings had their names.
The teal one: Iris
The crimson one: Hari
The gold one: Elka
The lilac one: Inti
Iris and Elka were girls, while Hari and Inti were boys. The sight of her younger brothers and sisters made her feel a part of her was missing. The fact she wasn't a dragon. Or physically anyway.
In a month, Rayne would be turning 14, and she would develop her dragon powers. She hoped that she would get fire powers, as since she was young, she was obsessed with watching fire dance in the wind.
One morning, Rayne woke up to Iris and Elka worriedly truing to nuzzle her awake. Rayne was scared. Her cave was unusually quiet except from a quiet weeping sound coming from the corner. She stood up and turned to face the corner. Her lips started trembling. Tears fell down her face. Hari was in the corner with a deep gnash in in his back left leg.

   Rayne ran out of the cave, searching for leaves and herbs to save her baby brother. She returned back to the cave to find her mother, and other siblings trying to lick Hari's wound. Rayne cleared them out of the way and crafted a plaster and medication for him. It took him weeks to recover, but somehow, he did.

Finally everything was back to normal and Rayne's birthday was in a couple of days. She was not sure whether she was excited or worried about it. Her mother did tell her though, that it would be the best party ever seen.
  "Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?" A teenage boy asked uncertainly.

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