Jeongyeon: Bully

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Jeongyeon's POV

I looked through the halls of Seoul High, basking in my accomplishments. Most people know who I am, mainly because of my notorious reputation for being, "That one really hot bully". 

I smirked as I saw that person I bully the most. "Hey Y/N. What's up?" She jumped a little when she heard my voice.

"H-Hi...J-Jeongyeon..." Awww, she's stuttering. I love it when she stutters, makes me feel more empowered. "D-Do you need something...?"

"Nope. Just came to say hi. Did you do my homework like I asked?" I saw smirking, grabbing her chin and lifting it up, making her blush.

"O-Of course...I've got it ri-right here." She reached into her bag and pulled out my homework. I gave her a small pat on her head.

"Good girl Y/N. As a reward, go to the usual spot at lunch." I smiled and walked away. I think today is the day I drop it.

---------At Lunch--------


I bet I'm gonna be beat up as usual. She wouldn't call me to the spot unless it's for that reason, and that reason only. God I hate this. I hate Jeongyeon and I hate this school. Why me of all people? I just wanted to live a normal high school life but nooo, some really handsome and cute girl with really sexy short hair had to come into my life. I sigh as I reach the spot.

"J-Jeongyeon I'm here..." Silence. "Jeongyeon?" I start to panic a little and look around. "'re scaring me..."

"Sorry Princess." Jeongyeon said behind me, holding something behind her back. I bet it's a baseball bat.


"Uhh...yeah, because you're my princess." She walked up to me smiling.

"J-Jeongyeon...please stop...i-if you're gonna beat me up do it now."

"I didn't call you here to beat you up Y/N-ah" 

"Then why am I here."

"Because I've got something to tell you." She looked down and to the side, revealing what she was hiding behind her back. "P-Please accept these flowers as an apology for all the shit and terror I've put you through."

"W-What...?" I grabbed the flowers form her, when I suddenly got pissed. "And do you really expect me to just forget and forgive everything!!??" I threw the flowers on the ground and just popped off on her. "Jeongyeon you have no idea how much you put through! All I wanted was to be a normal girl but no! You had to find out all of my secrets and post it all over the school! Everyone laughed and made fun of me every time I took a step forward! I couldn't even breathe without someone calling me a faggot Jeongyeon!"

"Look I-" I cut her off instantly.

"No! You're listening to me for once! I would get notes and shit in my fucking locker telling me to kill myself or calling me a fucking slut! Jeongyeon, you put me through so much shit. It's unbelievable how many times that I wanted to fucking kill myself because of you! I actually came close one time! Yeah! You remember that one time where I didn't show up to school for 2 weeks and then you beat me the fuck up because when I came back? Yeah, for those 2 weeks I was being consoled by my mom begging and begging me not to kill myself! I got so close Jeongyeon! The knife was 1 centimeter meter away from my neck and my mom came in last minute and stopped me! I couldn't even bring myself to tell her the truth of my suicidal thoughts!" She sat down and hugged her knees as she teared up. "Don't you even dare fucking give me those fucking tears Jeongyeon. You don't deserve to cry after hearing the truth of what you did to me. i had to lie to my mom constantly about why I always came home late. I had to wake up everyday in fear of what you would do to me if I ever fucked up in meeting your stupid fucking demands. You have no fucking idea how much I have suffered because of you. I hate you so much Jeongyeon."

"I'm so sorry Y/N..." At this point, Jeongyeon is balling her eyes out, repeating that phrase over and over. I cool off and kneel in front of her. 

"You're lucky though." I pick up the flowers and smell them. "I'm kind enough to give you a second chance." She looked up at me smiling.

"Y/N...can I confess something important...?" We both stood up.

"Sure Jeongie." 

" you. I know I have no right to say that after all this. I started to bully you to get your attention because I suck at expressing my emotions. It's a terrible excuse but it's true. I just wanted to have your eyes on me, but it seemed like I made them in fear of me..." She continued to go on and on about her reasons and apologized a million times over.

"Shut up. Jeongie." I said looking at her in the eyes.

"Ok..." She looked down at her feet and I pulled her into a hug.

"I can't say I can forgive you entirely...but I can say that share the same feelings."

"Y-You like me back...?"

"Mhm..." I pulled my bully close and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips, wrapping my arms around her neck, as she wrapped hers around my waist. We pull away after what felt like years. "Now, if I agree to be your girlfriend, you have to take me on dates 3 times a week. You have to feed me ice cream whenever I want some, and you have to give me kisses when I ask.

"Of course. So, be my girlfriend..?" She bit her lip in anticipation.


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