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"Oh how I love mysteries Gilbert" squealed Anne holding on to his hand. "Just think of all the many possibilities!"

Diana, Gilbert and Anne were on there way to the school house to see the so called surprise Diana spoke so highly about

"I'm sure that whatever it is I hope will you will absolutely love it" he laughed

"Well I hope that we both love it"
"Really right in front of my face?" Asked Diana  a disgusted look painted over her beautiful face.

The two love birds couldn't help but blush at this comment
"Oh look we are here" said Gilbert quickly avoiding the awkward conversation. He quickly got of the cart and held out his hands for both girls helping them down one after the other.

Anne was practically dying because of all the suspense she couldn't take it anymore she started to approach the school house
"Anne wait"Diana yelled trying to stop her yet it was to late Anne had already marched in to only be face to face with crushing disappointment

"Yes"She smiled softly noticing that there was no surprise

"There is no surprise"
"I'm sure if you wait maybe just five for minutes there will be" She said giving Gilbert a knowing glance
"Do you mind just taking me home I don't really feel like waiting for something that might not even happen"
Diana glanced at Gilbert once last time as if asking for permission.
"You know what let's just go maybe it will be here tomorrow" Gilbert smiled at leading her out the school house.
"Yeah maybe" sighed Anne getting into the cart Diana following
"I think I'm going to stay here a little longer and talk to Billy" smiled Gilbert signaling for the diver to go

As soon as Gilbert saw Anne disappear into the distance he sped over to Billy
"Billy what happened!"
"Moody lost the mistletoe before we got to hang it up"Billy explained pointing at moody who was searching in the bushes for the lost treasure.

"Look I don't care who lost it or who is going to find it but I want it up by tomorrow, I don't know how I am going to convince her to come back after this disaster"

"She will come it's Anne remember she will give anybody or anything a second chance, believe me I know"

It was true Anne would give absolutely anyone a second chance even a third even if it was someone who used to call her a stray dog.

"Yeah I guess you're right, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead" he said he kindly

"How come Anne forgave you for calling her a stray dog but she couldn't forgive me for calling her carrots?"

"Yeah not my proudest moments, look Gil I don't know, Anne Shirley is a unique individual it takes a lot to understand her emotions" Billy explained looking at Gilbert

Gilbert gave him a disappointed look before Billy continued " but remember Gilbert when Anne and I were together we had a great time and we really liked one another."

Gilbert couldn't help but scoff at what he was hearing was he really saying these things to Gilbert

"But... she never had that spark in her eyes that both of you share. She never smiled like a goof when we were together and she most definitely did not love me as much as she loves you. Blythe I will admit I've said and one some stupid thing, most recently since you arrived back. I don't know much about relationship and love, but I know I love Anne. Just not how you love her." He finished voice laced in a serious tone

"Anne doesn't..."

"Rubbish Gilbert she loves you whether she wants to admit it or not"  he said placing a hand on Gilberts shoulder "now go to her while we finish setting up the surprise for tomorrow"

Gilbert slowly nodded and turned around beginning his journey back to his House. During his walk he couldn't help but think about what Billy had just said

Did Anne really love him? did he return the same feelings? Of course he did! This is Anne of green gables we are talking about he loved her with all his heart.

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