I thanked him and Nath came running from her bedroom and pounced on Connor making him bark in laughter. Connor hugged her then threw her in the air and caught her making her squeal in excitement. It was a good view. Maybe it would be perfect if it was Nate doing it with Nath...my heart clenched. Scratch that, it would never happen.

"Hi baby girl! How are you?" He asked as he set her off her feet. She took the box of donuts on the floor and opened it.

"Great!" Nath mumbled while munching on the donut coated with honey in her hands.

I took the box from her and brought it in the kitchen and placed the flowers in a vase, "no donuts before dinner, sweetie. And Connor, you should know that." I scolded and he just smiled sheepishly, like always. He never felt bad though, he was Nath’s partner in everything – talk about being an adult.

"Yeah mother." He mock saluted and Nath imitated him. I chuckled and went inside the bedroom to finish painting the wall.

"You guys are redecorating?" He asked inspecting the job we had done.

"No. I'm just painting this pink for fun." I said sarcastically and he just rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Connor, isn't it pretty?" Nath asked, looking at him under her thick frame of lashes and I snickered. Connor hated pink.

"Oh...errr. Yeah. Very pretty." He said and hurriedly went outside as if the color was burning his retinas while Nath tailed him. I heard the television being turned on and tuned in sponge bob, as always. It was an hour before six when I finished painting the wall and changed her bed sheets and pillowcases with the new one. I didn't know how I would put on the canopy so I left it with its packaging and went outside. Nath was asleep on Connor's lap and he smiled at me when I arrived.

I sat beside him and rested my hand on his arm.

"Thanks for coming. I just need to go to an appointment." I said apologetically and he just shrugged. I hugged him briefly and beamed at him.

You're an angel, you know that right?" I said and run towards my room to prepare.

It was fifteen after six when I arrived at the meeting place. I spotted him easily; his back was turned at me as he sat at the window side table. I walked and sat across him. He looked at me and closed the magazine he was reading. He read magazines now? I snorted at the mere thought, who could have thought a guy like Nate would read magazines, and a fashion one at that, while waiting for a woman.

"Something you find amusing?" He asked.

"Since when did you start taking interest in fashion magazines?" I asked eyeing the magazine he was holding. He scowled at me.

"I was not interested..." he looked at his wristwatch and looked at me again, "You're fifteen minutes late and I was bored." He shrugged and dropped the magazine in the table while he laced his fingers and leaned.

"Right," I rolled my eyes and he just looked at me in amusement. A waitress came to get our order and she was definitely eye shagging the man across me making me scowl, cliché much? What the heck? Did she even know I was here? I noticed that Nate was totally oblivious of her presence and he was gazing intently at me, making me smile inside. As cliché as it sounded, I now knew how it felt to be the only attention of a guy, hah, so much for my obsession with chick flick romances. I cleared my throat and the waitress snapped out of her dream world where she probably already undressed Nate.

"Can I take your orders?" She asked not taking her eyes off Nate.

"Two cappuccinos, please, and one slice of chocolate cake." He smiled at her and the waitress went off blushing. I narrowed my eyes at him. He remembered what I always ordered. I realized that I was spacing out so I cleared my throat. And what the heck, it was only now I realized I never really changed my preferences, though I try new ones.

If We're A Fairytale (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now