Chapter 2

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You leave the building thinking about what Sandy said. "But is it?" It's almost like she knows something that you don't. You wander around set for a few minutes, lost in thought, before you find yourself outside of Tom's trailer. For the first time ever, you hesitate to knock. 

"Be there in a sec!" Tom calls from inside, and opens the door moments later. His hair is wet from a shower, but fake blood still stains his hairline and arms. "Y/n," he grins, "what's up?" He waves you into his trailer and shuts the door.

"You missed a spot." You tease, indicating the obvious stains on his arms. He laughs,

"You know, it doesn't come off as easily as the container says it does."

"Shocking." You respond, continuing an ongoing joke about fake blood stains that you both have established over the seven months you've spent basically covered in the stuff.

"So, what can I do for you?" He asks, leaning against the kitchen counter. 

You feel your cheeks get hot and ask yourself why the hell you're doing this before saying, "Sandy just said something really weird." Tom frowns and crosses his arms.


You shake your head and respond, "It's crazy to put any stock into this, I know, but she was teasing me about us like everyone else does, but she said she didn't think that our 'just friends' status was mutual. I know it's super awkward, but do you like me or did you, like, make a joke or something that she took seriously?" 

Tom's face went from concerned to shocked to amused throughout your little speech, "No, y/n. She was just messing with you. Don't worry."

You sigh in relief, though it still feels like a stone has settled in the pit of your stomach, "Okay, good. I was hoping this wasn't going to be awkward." He laughs and hugs you, a faint hint of Old Spice fills your nostrils. 

"No worries." He says. He holds open the door as you leave his trailer, but you aren't twenty meters away when you hear what sounds like breaking glass and a string of curse words from inside.

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