Chapter 4 + A/N

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Hello everyone, I hope this sequel has been satisfactory so far and that everyone is enjoying. Just a reminder, I do own Misha and Keeta.
Anywhoo, I've been thinking of making a multi fandom One-Shot collection fandom. While I'm working on Frozen and other upcoming stories, I can work on the collection in between so you're not deprived of something for too long.
If I made it, who would read it? And what fandoms would you want to see included?
So far I have Blue/Ao No Exorcist, of course, Voltron LD, My Hero/Boku No Academia, Percy Jackson, Heros Of Olympus, and possibly Black Butler.
What other fandoms would you want to be included? I want to add as many as possible, so if you have suggestions just comment.
Keep in mind I may not be able to do all, I do have to have a clear idea of the theme of the show and a base/background of characters.


Suguro and Rin stayed in the research room with Yukio and Shura. Rin wanted to be with his brother, and Suguro definitely wasn't going to leave him alone after he had broke down upon hearing the two girls had vanished. They were resting on the couch in the corner, Rin laying Suguro’s chest, listening to his heart beat while his hair was stroked. The only sounds from the room was the frantic tapping on a laptop, scribblings down notes, frustrated sighs and Suguro’s heart beat.

The door was thrown open, startling all four of them. Suguro and Rin both shot up, staring wide eyed at the two figures in the doorway. Keeta and Misha were standing there, looking disheveled and scared. As soon as it was all processed, Yukio was standing with his guns drawn and pointed at them, Shura had her sword out as well. Both of them looked tired, and irritated. Suguro’s grip tightened around Rin and the half demon took the moment of silence to once again take the appearance of the two males in.

Misha had blonde hair that was pushed back, a recent undercut, and some strands fallen in his troubled face. His purple eyes were red at the rim, it looked like he had either just got done crying or he lacked much needed sleep. He was fairly small, shorter than Keeta by a few inches, not much build. Keeta had much more muscle, not overly built but it was obvious and noticeable to even the most oblivious person. He had dark skin and black hair that was pulled into a messy bun, matching strands of loose hair stacking out and framing his face. He had bright green eyes, and it looked as if the same red tint was around them.

As soon as the weapons were drawn, Keeta pulled Misha behind him, glaring at Yukio. Rin learned fast that Keeta was protective over the blonde.

“What the hell are you two doing here?” Shura asked through gritted teeth.

“We’re here to help.” Keeta said calmly, but it was clear he was holding something back.

“Help?! You tried killing my brother!” Yukio shouted, pent up anger and stress finalling surfacing, fingers hovering over the trigger.

“We were set up!” Misha shouted, looking up over the tall male’s shoulder, voice cracking at then end. Everyone paused. Keeta only turned his head to look back at him for a few seconds, then back at Yukio.

Rin started, pushing Suguro’s arms away and scrambling to stand up. Suguro followed, opening his mouth to say something, but Rin beat him.

“What do you mean you were set up?” He asked, eyes on him now.

“Rin,” Suguro warned. He didn't trust Misha or Keeta as far as he could throw them.

“Miwa-” Keeta started, but cut himself off and shook his head, “the demon approached us and said if we gave aid to killing Rin, we get our sisters back.”

As he explained, Yukio and Shura slowly lowered their weapons, exchanging confused glances. Shura was the first to talk.

“Somniom does not seek help, it’s a lone demon,” She shook her head and turned to go back to her desk, scrambling through the pages of information she written.

“Somniom also has never tried to kill a son a Satan,” Misha piped up, slowly moved out from behind Keeta to stand at his side. Suguro’s arm had snaked around Rin’s wasit, thumb tracing small lines on his shirt.

“Wait, wait, you said you did it to get your sisters back? Did he take them as hostage?” Yukio asked, closing his eyes to process the new information, sheathing his guns back at his waist.

“Our sisters were…” Keeta trailed off, looking to Misha. The blonde nodded his head at him, then turned his gaze to the floor. “Our sisters were part of the group that went missing. From the ballet studio? If you don't believe us you can look them up, Mari Yarchesti and Ama Yuno.”
Yukio gave them one more irritated glare before turning to Shura, who was already back typing away at the laptop.

Articles popped up on screen, dated back years ago, specifically about Mari and Ama. She clicked on one lazily that had both names, pictures of two little girls hugging come up. It was apparent Misha and Keeta were their older brothers. One girl had dark skin and black hair, green eyes to compliment it. The other with blonde, curly locks and purple, almost pink eyes. Shura glanced up at the two boys, then proceeded to type Keeta Yarchesti. Similar articles came up, verifying that he was the older brother of Mari. She didnt bother looking up for the other, just switched her gaze to Yukio and nodded.

“I-I thought the girls died?” Rin finally chimned in again, confusing but relief taking over. If Misha and Keeta could still get their sisters back, he could still get his friends back.

Keeta shook his head and continued, “They’re all still alive. I hope so, at least. People who are taken during deals are only kept. Like an unsub keeping hostages until they are given money, or whatever else they want.”

“But the girl the demon was targeting died- she killed herself. How come the girls haven't been found?” Yukio questioned, brows furrowing.

“She wasn't close enough to the studio. She has to be within the area or else it won’t count, in terms.”

“So if I die, our friends and your sisters, the other girls, they were to all come back?” Rin questioned, tail dropping to floor. His life or a dozen others.
Misha glanced up to Keeta, but nodded and looked to Rin.

“Suguro, take Rin somewhere else. You two are staying and helping us figure this out,” Shura ordered. Both boys quickly nodded their heads and made their way to her. Rin looked up as Suguro got in front of him, holding his hand out. Rin wanted to stay.

He still wanted to know more, know if there was anything he could do to help instead of running away and hiding. If this continued, people close to him disappearing, that means he has who knows how long until Yukio was taken. Until Suguro was gone.

“Rin.” Suguro kept his voice low, but calming. Rin looked up at him, biting his lip. It looked like he didn't have much a choice. He was surprised that Suguro wasn't already trying to find a way to the studio. The bluenette sighed, but took Suguro’s hand. The taller male entwined their fingers and led him out of the room.

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