Chapter 14~Mother Knows Best

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"Why the bloody hell would (mothers name) try and get rid of (Y/n)? She's only a child for goodness sake." Lucius was quite shocked at the words of his wife. "It's her own flesh and blood. Why would she want to get rid of a child?"

"Do you not remember (M/n) had this strange obsession over Severus?" Narcissa asked, sitting down at the dining table with her husband. "I understood a couple of times cause of Lilly Evans, and a couple of other women, but she was even jealous of first years, when we were in our fifth year. Remember?"

"I never noticed for some reason." Lucius said, scratching his chin slightly. He honestly doesn't remember (M/n) doing anything of the sort. The most that he had remembered of her ever being jealous, was that one time Lily Potter had kissed Severus cheek in fourth year. That was pretty much it.

"Cause you only payed attention to your looks and your blood-status." Narcissa said, not really surprised that he wouldn't remember anything form that time. She saw how her husband would look at himself in the mirror and talk about blood-status. That was pretty much all he did, except for attend classes, and get his butt whooped. "But right now, as long as that child is around, we can not have any harm come to this child."

"And risk our own family? We have a child too, remember? I'm not going to risk my sons life." Lucius argued back, a frown on his usually stoic face. He didn't seem happy on what Narcissa wanted.

"Lucius. This girl has brought genuine happiness to our son. He's happy when he is with her. If he loses her in any way shape of form, he'll be sad. I don't want to see Draco go through sadness like that." Narcissa was thinking of her sons happiness.

"But he is still only a child." Lucius said, sighing. He was thinking of the safety of his son and family, and he didn't want to stretch his neck out too far for the Snape family.

"You know we can not tell Draco, right?" Narcissa asked, sitting down at the large table with her husband, looking right into his silver eyes. "If we do, we'll end up making him worried for the girl, and possibly avoid her."

"I wont!" Draco suddenly yelled, which caught everyone in the entire manners attention. His voice rung through the empty halls of the house, not a single sound could be heard.

"Draco? How long have you been listening for?" Narcissa asked, standing up from her seat. She looked at her son with fear in her eyes, the fear of her son doing something stupid from the conversation that they just had.

"I heard everything, Mother." The Slytherin Prince said, his eyes narrowed to his father. He understood his fathers intentions, but to just protect the family and not care about (Y/n), even though they were friends with her mother, still wasn't right to him. "I know she's (M/n)'s daughter, but she is the child of your friend from school. Can we please protect her? She's one of my best friends."

Lucius looked at his wife, unsure of what to say. He was torn between his protectiveness with his families safety, but then there was the wishes of his family to protect a girl who could bring harm to them. He sighed, and decided he'll just have to play his cards right. "Fine, we will try our best. But we should talk to her about this."

"We are not going to tell that child." Narcissa said, her face holding super seriousness. "She can't know. If we tell her, we will be putting her in more danger than she could already be. Who knows if (M/n) has ears around anywhere. We should be careful."

"But doesn't she diverse to know?" Draco asked, sitting at the table with his family. He looked at them with curiosity filled into his eyes.

"It's not our place to tell that young child." Narcissa said, sitting back down at the table. "Severus would have to tell her. He is her father, but if she even sees her mother, then she deserve to tell her. It's not our place."

"Are you sure, mother?" Draco asked, unsure if that was the bet choice. He really wanted to tell (Y/n), cause that was something that could concern her life. "It's possible that if we tall her, then we can possibly save her life from her father."

A knock suddenly came to the door, and they saw that a lot of time had passed for this conversation. Almost 3 hours.

"Its the Snape family sir." A small house elf squeaked, afraid of the family.

"Don't tell her." Narcissa snapped to both males of the house. The way she demanded, it scared both the males to keep their mouths shut form this conversation.

"Draco!" A very familiar voice made the boy smile, and turn around, to see his crush standing there wearing a outfit that he never thought he would see her in. It made her look all the more beautiful in his eyes.


The Serpents Child (Draco Malfoy x Snapes Daughter!Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now