Chapter 1~The Malfoy Child

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(Y/n) was jumping her her seat, absolutely excited. She held her small little bat in her arms, almost crushing her. Her (h/c) hair in a high pony tail (or if you have short hair it's lose), (e/c) eyes held excitement in the irises. She sat in the back of the car, watching as London passed by her window. "Please tell me we're there yet! I want to see the train!"

Severus chuckled at his daughters excitement, remembering when he had first started going to Hogwarts with his parents, but he wasn't as excited as his daughter was. She had the energy of a power plant at the moment. (I know Snape is a half-blood, but for the sake of the story, let's make him a pure-blood). "Come now (Y/n), you have to relax. You might rip the leather of the car, and might break on of Midnight's little bones."

"Whoops, sorry Midnight." (Y/n) apologized to her bat, letting the small creature go, and Midnight just sat on the girls shoulder, and snuggled into her neck, before falling asleep.

They had already gotten everything that (Y/n) needed for school, and a few old things that Severus had brought to school with him when he was younger. There were a few things that had broke over the years, so they traveled to Diagon Alley to get newer ones. (Y/n) loved her wand, it was almost like her fathers, but the wood was a different kind.

"Are you ready to be starting your first day as a Hogwarts student?" Severus asked his daughter, pulling into the train stations parking lot, seeing all too familiar cars parked around them. There were a few he had recognized from when he was younger, and before his daughter was born, one of them being the Weasleys' car.

"Of course! And you'll be my potions teacher! I can't wait! I just hope nothing explodes..." (Y/n) yelled, before her mood dropped at the thought of something blowing up in her face, and causing her to be rushed to the Hospital Wing. "But I thought you wanted to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Severus sighed, and looked back at his daughter with a small smile. Even though his eyes head a little bit of anger, but it wasn't towards her. "I did want that position, but the school wouldn't let me. Don't worry sweetie, I''ll get it someday."

"Ok dad!" (Y/n) cheered, and quickly hopped out of the car.

Severus sighed, and followed his daughters lead, and got some of her suit cases out of the car's trunk. He carried one of her suit cases, while she carried another suit case and a personal bag, with some of the things to distract her on the train.

"But dad, what if I forget something at home?" (Y/n) asked her father, thinking she had forgotten something at home. She mentally started to panic, knowing it was bad if you forget something.

"Everything will be fine sweetie. Everything will be provided when people get to go to Hogsmade." Severus said, who started walking with his daughter to the station.

"But I thought first years couldn't go to Hogsmade." (Y/n) said, confused on why her father would mention it. "When I get to third year, I'll be able to."

"Not unless I take you as your father, outside of school time." Severus had a very good point when it came to this. That was a small benefit for (Y/n), but probably not getting in trouble with other students and teachers were a slight benefit as well.

(Y/n) sat on the train by herself. Her father had to sit in a different area of the train with the rest of the teachers. Teachers got a separate compartment if there was something they had to do for school, and it just so happens, Severus had paperwork he forgot about.

(Y/n) wasn't really happy having to know that her father had to sit in a different area than her. She was really looking forward to the train ride with her father on the first day of her bing a first year.

The sound of the train station whistle broke through the mumbling of kids. (Y/n) sat alone, and sighed. She looked outside, only for a pair of silver eyes to be staring right back at her. The girls heart started to increase, her face flushed slightly, and her palms started to get sweaty. What she had seen, was a boy with amazing silver eyes and white hair. But she didn't have these symptoms because she liked him, but it was due to her being embaressed that someone was staring at her, like she had something wrong with her face.

(Y/n) looked away quickly, and tried to be still her beating heart. She questioned if she had something wrong with her face, maybe her hair was tangled. "Midnight? Is there something on my face?"

The bat woke up from its miniature nap, and looked at the human. She studied her features, before giving a simple nod no, and went back to sleep.

(Y/n) sighed, finally relaxing. She looked out the window again, and didn't see the same person she thought she saw. (Y/n) closed her eyes, wanting to get some rest. Without her father, she didn't really have anyone she knew, and decided to relax from all the excitement that she had earlier on in the day.

A small knocking sound woke the girl up form her almost slumber, and saw the boy she thought she saw outside the window. Getting a closer look at him, (Y/n) she thought he was kinda cute.

"Are you going to keep staring or what?" The boy asked, his voice having a slight british accent to it, making him all that more attractive. He stared back at her, curiosity filling his silver orbs.

This time, she blushed from embaressment. She was only embareseed because it was a guy she thought thought she was staring at, not because of his features.

"S-sorry about that. I tend to think and stare in one direction, and sometimes people think I'm staring at them." (Y/n) said, rubbing the back of her neck still a bit embarrassment.

"Don't worry, everyone does that once in a while." He said, sitting across from (Y/n). He placed his own bag next to him, and stared at her.

"I'm (Y/n) Snape." (Y/n) held her hand out for him to shake, a small smile on her face. "You?"

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He shook her hand. "So you're a Snape? I didn't know Professor Snape had a daughter."

"And you're a Malfoy." She said, smiling. "I've heard of your father and mother from my dad. And yes, he has a daughter. I don't understand why that is shocking. I've heard your father has a high position in the ministry, I congratulate him."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to pass the message to him." Draco said, smiling. "Do you care about blood status? My father says blood status is everything to everyone in the wizarding world."

"I don't really care. I judge people on how they are to other people." (Y/n) spoke honestly. She shrugged her shoulders, not sure.

On one hand, pure-bloods do have higher reputations, and can get high positions in the wizarding society. On the other hand, muggle-born people always get teased for having non-magical parents. But most of the wizarding world doesn't even care about it.

Draco was slightly taken aback from what she had said. Most pure-bloods he had met would say that it was the most important part to a person, but hearing it from a pure-blood that didn't care, he started to think about things for a little while. "I guess, but it it still means you will have a high status in society."

"I mean, wouldn't what a person do and say make who they are, but not by something they can't control? We don't know the person when we first meet them, so I don't think it's very fair if we do that to people." (Y/n) explained her reasoning, and questioned what he thought. She was playing devils advocate.

"You do have a point." Draco said, but he had to stick to what his father would be telling him. But on the inside, he didn't really like doing that kind of thing, but it made his father happy, and that was something that he really wanted to, so he played along. (Ok so he really didn't feel that way in the first year, but let's just go along with it.)

(Y/n) smiled, happy knowing she made a point across to him.

"I think we will be good friends." Draco said, smiling.


The Serpents Child (Draco Malfoy x Snapes Daughter!Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now