Prom (part 2)

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"Kara, will you make me the happiest man in the world and.... Go to prom with me?" He asked as I nodded and tackle hugged him.
"Of course I will, thank you for asking me." I said with a smile in my face.


Woo! Who's the zombie? I'm the zombie! And this zombie just asked Kara to the prom! She smiled as she said yes. She has this smile that will make running a marathon seem like floating. She is the kindest person I have ever met, and even though without this she'd still be amazing I should still mention it, she is absolutely gorgeous, I mean her eyes!? And her hair?! *Dreamy boy sigh* she's perfect. Hey, I wonder what color dress she wants to wear? I'll ask her.
"Hey, what color dress do you want to wear? So we can match? Like with my tie?" I asked, she probably wants pink...
"How about you choose? I am horrible at making decisions... What's your favorite color?" She asked. I thought she would have chosen something? I guess not.
"I like red?" I more asked.
"Me too, oh, I have the perfect idea for the dress! I'll get started! Night Zed!" She said quickly after giving me a kiss on the cheek and shoving me out the door. I quickly did a happy dance as my dad and sister cleared their throats.
"Sorry I just asked Kara to the prom... She said yes!" I exclaimed as I heard a light giggle. I kinda forgot she was still there, gosh I love her... Did I really just think that? My dad and Zoey congratulated us then we all went to get some shut eye.



I quickly rise to my tip toes to give him a soft kiss on his cheek, and then I shove him out of the room so I can slow my heart to a steady pace again. I lean against the door as he tells his dad and little sister what he just did. I accidentally let out a small giggle as he explains. I love him... Omg! Did I really just think that!? Ugh, I'm going to sketch out the dress and then go to sleep. Good night moon. I think as I turn off my light.

Fired Up! ZOMBIES Fanfic (Zed x OC) Where stories live. Discover now