3.) DIY: Ombre Nail Art!

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A/N: Eeep! I started this book last night and already have 4 votes! Thank you all so much ❤️ I know it may sound cheesy because people have millions of votes, but I'm just happy that you guys are enjoying this so far!

I want you guys to check out my cousins (MeMyselfAndI_928) story, "Best Stories on Wattpad." Thank you guys!



DIY: Ombre Nail Art ❤️

Materials: Base coat

Top Coat

White polish

2-3 Different Shades of one color. ex: Dark blue, light blue, baby blue.

Clean Makeup Sponge

Optional: Tape

Nail Polish Remover

Cotton Swab


1. Start off by washing your hands. Optional: Before you start the DIY, place a bounty or tissue under your hands to keep your work area clean. Optional: Place tape around your nail to prevent the nail polish from spreading onto your skin.

2. Take your base coat and apply one layer to each nail.

3. After that is dry, paint your nails with white polish. Do about 2 layers.

4. Next, take the darkest shade of your color and apply it to the top of the makeup sponge. Then, take your next darkest color and apply it directly next to the darkest shade. Be sure to slightly overlap the colors for a nice finish!

5. Take the lightest color and apply next to the 2nd darkest color. Overlap as well! Do two layers for each of the shades to make your final design more vibrant!

6. Now APPLY! Take your makeup sponge and slightly dab the polish onto your nail. If you think the polish comes out too light, re apply the polish on the makeup sponge and repeat the step.

7. OPTIONAL: Remove the tape for your beautiful new nail art OR if you didn't use tape take a cotton swab, dip it in Nail polish remover, and clean around your nails.

8. Apply top coat to protect you design!

9. ENJOY! ❤️

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