I wait for around ten minutes.. nothing.. I hear sounds from upstairs so obviously some kind of action is going on. I lean up against the wall and yawn. and then, I see a pretty large sized purple ball fly across the room, nearly hitting my face, those look like the balls on Mineta's head! I grow my wings and turn to my left, only to see the short perverted male standing before me.

"Hey hot stuff!!" The nasally voice shouted out.

"Hey short stuff!" I shout back, getting into a fighting stance.

Mineta grabs at his head and picks out the purple balls on his head, them immediately growing back. He throws them all at me- I have to give it to him- he does have a pretty good aim! I dodge most of them, but then I feel one stick to my right wing, I try pulling it off, only causing my hand to get stuck to it.

"What the hell is this!?" I struggle to take my hand off of it, I then yank my hand off it, wiping my hand on my costume. The ball irritates my wings, but it's not like I'll be flying anywhere in an enclosed area like this.

"You like my balls?" Mineta chuckles at his own joke.

"No I do not." I run at him, lunging myself toward him, only for him to dodge; causing me to face-plant into the concrete floor. Am I seriously going to lose to a pipsqueak like this!? Why am I not wanting to fight?! Why do I not want to risk anything!? Why am {I} going to let this perverted grape boy get the best of me!?

"Come on young (L/n)! Push yourself! Don't let yourself be reminded of that encounter before you joined! Don't let yourself fear that anymore! Put that aside and fight! You've got this!" I hear all might through my earpiece.

How the hell does he know-

How the hell does he know that the encounter fucked with my confidence...?

And bravery..


That fight traumatized me, but only izuku knows that! How does All Might?

Whatever! I can't think now! I get up and lunge myself at Mineta again, this time restraining him. I then sharpen my feathers and pick four out, pinning the brat to the ground with them. I stand up and start to walk to the stairs, until I hear his voice again.

"Wait no babe come back!" Mineta whines, obviously imitating those classic movie lines. I look back at him before walking up the stairs.

"I'm taken." Is all I say as I begin to walk up the stairs, I hear another bell indicating that we only have 10 minutes left. How long did that fight with Mineta last!? I run into the room only to be blasted by sound waves, I cover my ears and watch Todoroki make a wall of ice in front of us.

"(L/n)! What the hell are you doing?!" Todoroki yells.

"I've gotten Mineta pinned down! And it doesn't seem like you've gotten very far so I thought I'd help!" Jiro's sound waves break Todoroki Ice wall, so I shield the two of us with my irritated wing.

"For this to work you will need to distract jiro! You're obviously the more dangerous target, so she'd think of taking you down first! And while she's distracted I run to the bomb and throw myself at it like Uraraka did!" I look Todoroki in the eyes.

A Friends Promise (Izuku Midoriya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now