Chapter 2

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At that moment I just laid there, fear completely taking over me. I found the courage to run, I ran faster than I thought I could, zig-zagging through the trees. I was too afraid to look back, I could hear the howling echoing through my ears, coming from all directions. I tried to trace my steps the way I came but I couldn't remember or even focus, so I just ran.

Suddenly, I found myself on the floor and I could feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I tried to stand but my ankle hurt everytime I moved.

I could hear prodding coming from all around me. Wolves.

About ten surrounded me growling, they started licking me, biting me,pressing in. Their huddled bodies blocked what little heat the sun offered. Ice glistened on their ruffs and their breath made opaque shapes that hung in the air around us. The musky smell of their coats made me think about wet dogs; their careless teeth ripped at my sleeves and snagged through my hair. I didn't struggle. What was the point? I was going to die. They crouched and snarled around me, fighting to tear into the kill first. They tugged at my body this way and that.

I could have screamed, but I didn't. I could have fought but I didn't. I just lay there watching the blue sky as if fixated.

One wolf prodded his nose into the scruff of my neck and blinked at me. I held on to those eyes for as long as I could. Blue, like a sapphire and up close, flecked brilliantly with every shade of blue and white. Then he growled, with a snarl and flash of teeth, making all the other wolves wince, they ran off as if the blue eyed wolf had told them to.

He looked at me one last time and he was gone.


Sorry these two chapters are short they will get longer

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