Sleepy Heads

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Percys pov

We walk over to the campfire for sing along, but I know that Mya wont be able to participate without being injured. Nico walks over to me "Are you going to let her play?" I shake my head "To dangerous," "I can watch her I dont mind" I look at him "You sure?" He nods his head "If you insist" "Awesome" he looks happy,I walk over to mya "Your gonna go with Nico okay?" she nods her head "Yes'm" she walks up to Nico "Hi Nigo!" he chuckles "Its Nico, come on" "Okay" She skips away next to nico smiling.

Nicos pov (Suprise!)

Mya skips away to where we are sitting will walks up to me and kisses my forehead "Hey" "Hey" I smile, he always makes me happy. Mya walks back confused "Your aloud to do that?" Will raises an eyebrow "Yes?" Mya looks at me and gestures for me to come closer then kisses my forehead and smiles then continues skipping. I get back up and look at will with an raised eye, he chuckles, wraps his hand around my waist and walks with me over to where Mya is sitting. She smiles when we sit I look at will, "So im not gonna be in capture the flag so I can watch Mya K?" he nods his head "At least your safe that way" I glare at him for a minute he always puts me before himself. Once the horn sounds for capture the flag I take mya to my cabin. "So what kind of movies do you like?" "I like everything!!" "What about Hercules?" "Yes!" I go to netflix and put on Hercules, then I grab a bag of popcorn from my closet and start popping it in the microwave. I look over to the couch where Mya is staring at the screen trying to watch every last detail. The popcorn finishes so I put it in a bowl then bring it over to the couch then I put it between me and Mya. The next thing i know we are both asleep.

Annabeths pov

Since Percy got slightly injured (twisted ankle), I went to pick up Mya from Nicos cabin I walk over there and knock on the door, no answers, I knock one more time, still no one answers, I come in and see them both asleep on the couch I whisper to myself "Awww" I pick up Mya and Nico wakes up I put a finger over my mouth he nods and lays on the couch to go back to sleep. I quietly walk out of Nicos cabin to Percys cabin I set her down on Percys side of the be then I shower change and get in next to her. Im fast asleep in no time.

Percys pov

Its about 3 am and im in the infirmary (stupid ankle), and I cant sleep, I would go back to my cabin if Will would let me but im "too injured", I lay there for a while until I hear foot steps and small crying I look up to see Mya running in to find me with a sleepy annabeth following she spots me and jumps on the bed to find me "What happened?" "I- I had a nightmare" I mouth to annabeth she can go back to the cabin to sleep "Wanna talk about it?" "No" "Okay". We stay that way for a while, until I her her small breathes indicating that she is asleep. After awhile Im also asleep. I wake up and im still in the infirmary Mya is still asleep on top of me. I wiggle my ankle and it feels fine. The sun is still rising so I get up, holding Mya and take her to my cabin I put her next to annabeth on the bed then fall asleep on the couch again.

Annabeths pov

I wake up and find that Mya is asleep next to me and Percy snoring away on the couch, I sigh and get up "Sleepy heads" I head to the bathroom and brush out my hair, then I brush my teeth and wash my face then I put my hair in a high ponytail. I grab A pair of shorts and a t-shirt out of my drawers and change into them, then I put on mascara a little bit of chapstick and lipgloss, and Im done. I walk out of the bathroom and percy is slowly waking up on the couch and Mya barried herself in covers. I sit next to percy on the couch, "You know if you get ready now you dont have to worry about the kid" he sighs "I know"  He stands up and pulls me into a kiss I oull away"Get in the shower percy you stink" he sticks out his tongue and heads into the bathroom. I then hear Mya stretch I look over and shes sitting up. "Morning sleepy head" she tiredly waves her hand and lays back down. Percy comes out of the shower in a towel around his waist and with another one hes drying his hair with he drops the hair towel in the laundry basket and shakes his head causing water to fling everywhere. "If your gonna do that you need a haircut" "Ill get one at some point, and is the girl awake?" "Not really, why?" he drops the towel and gets dressed "Thats why" he kisses my forehead then goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When I head to the pavilion I know that this is going to be a long day.

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