Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

“Oh shut up. I wasn’t in danger of being suffocated.” I would have preferred them both fighting me. That would be less painful than whatever situation I was in now. Neither gave me a choice, and if they ‘allowed’ me freedom, they would still be lurking. It was insane – it was like I had my own personal psycho fanboys.

“You’re not being suffocated.”

“Really?” Was he actually saying what I think he was saying? Did he not see them try and follow me to the ladies’ room? “So, I’m not being stalked 24/7?”

“You’ve got to be exaggerating.” He blew me off, thinking I was lying. No. I, Samara Ray, did not exaggerate. I may lie, I may manipulate and I may threaten but I did not exaggerate.

“So, I’m not being followed, and it wasn’t Will that I whacked with a pan last night?” Thom stared blankly. I sighed at him – he just didn’t understand. “Look, three times this week, I’ve found Will sneaking around my house. And then, one night – I swear I’m not lying about this – there was some… thing in our garden that just sat there.” I shivered at the memory. This massive creature that looked like a monster just sat, staring at my window. There was no way to begin to describe what it looked like!

“Wait, Will was outside your house?”

“I whacked him when he came in.” His jaw dropped for a second before he started to spit out sounds. Whatever he was trying to tell me was not being communicated very well.

“He broke in!?” Before I could say anything, he threw out more words. “What… I… God! I’m going to kill him!”

“Don’t even think about walking back in there.” I threatened. “Look, we’re wasting time here. It’s not going to take them long to figure out I’ve made a run for it – especially since they’re alone now.”

Not wanting to take a risk and let Will or Tristan catch me, I started to walk. It didn’t matter what direction I was heading in because as long as I escaped, I was happy. Checking behind me as I walked, I signalled to Thom to come with me. I saw him give a panicked glance to something on his side before he sprinted to me. When he got to me, he grabbed my hand and slowed to a jogging pace.

“I think it’s time we got going.”

~ ~ ~

Sitting back on the bed, I let the film wash over me. It was something that some fling of Thom’s had left. One of the Twilight films. I didn’t understand why they were appealing to anyone! All it was, was some boring girl who falls in love with some paedo-vampire and some weak werewolf. It was nothing like Van Helsing (which was amazing, and I, for some unknown reason, fancied Count Dracula). Where was the fighting? Where was the emotion?

“So, you actually sat through this, just to get laid?” Disbelief filled my voice, and it had every right to. Was Thom that desperate?

“Well… no. I mean, I was always kinda curious about the whole thing and why girls were so attracted to Squashy Face.”

“Squashy Face?”

“Yeah, the guy who can shift into a massive wolf. Or whatever that thing is.” His face scrunched up in disgust. “I mean, he’s not even a real werewolf! He just looks like a ball of hair.”

“Thom, you do know that none of this is real, right?” As I pointed to the screen, I shoved some more popcorn into my mouth. I thanked the stars that Thom didn’t put any salt in – I loved sugar sprinkled all over mine.

“Don’t you believe in werewolves?” I grabbed the remote and paused the film. My pausing was perfect as Sparkles was caught in mid-speech and his eyes seemed to be everywhere.

“Seriously?” I waited for him to answer. After seconds of silence, I carried on speaking. “You’re asking if I believe that people can turn into animals?”

“It’s a valid question! People believe in aliens!”

I scoffed at him before shaking my head. “No, I don’t.”

“Why not?” Oh. My. God. Thom believed in werewolves? In that nonsense? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!

“Why not? I may not be great at science but I’m pretty sure bones can’t grow. I’m pretty sure that fur can’t spring out from nowhere! Why do you even believe in it?”

“There’s so many weird things in the world! Who says werewolves can’t exist? How do you know that they do, it’s just that no-one has seen one?” I started to laugh, but stopped when Thom threw a dirty look at me. His eyes narrowed and I was slightly scared. “I’m being serious here. Do you seriously not believe there are… there are other things out there?”

I eyed him up. What was he getting at? “Look, I’ve never really thought about it and I don’t see why I need to. Anyway, what’s the time? I’m supposed to be back by nine.”

Glancing at his watch, he told me it was around six-ish. I decided that I didn’t want to sit through any more of this ridiculous film and I had a sneaky feeling that Thom was going to convince me that the boogeyman was real. Not wanting to have any tension between us (I knew I’d get angry and snap), I decided to leave – and hopefully avoid my stalkers.

“I’m gonna head off.” Thankfully, Thom didn’t try and persuade me to stay. Instead, he nodded and his shoulders slumped.

“Do you need a lift?”

“I’m alright. I wouldn’t trust you behind the wheel anyway.” I joked. All I got in response was a nod. I felt as if Thom was disappointed in me because I didn’t believe in werewolves (although, I don’t even know why he wanted to).

“Fine. Well, you know the shortcut back to yours and good luck avoiding Crazy and Crazier!” I thanked him and left him to watch his film by himself. Now, it was just luck if I could get home without being spotted.

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