Chapter 1: Waiting

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Oh damn those eyes, those handsome, handsome eyes. And that sweet smile, man I'm a sucker for it, he's ju... "Mr. Alarcon! Hello?... MR. ALARCON!".

"Oh, uh... calm down a second there. I was just uhh, distracted by my phone, let me just, put that away real quick and... done!"

I hated getting my driving license renewed, dealing with the government was such a hassle, let alone if you're a celebrity. Everyone wants to take a picture with you, everyone wants to talk to you, and everyone just seems to want to drag you down. It was a rainy Tuesday morning, the weather as dreary and dull as the renewal place. The manilla walls around me had more cracks in them than there are fish in the sea, the drop ceiling was ridden with yellow-brown blotched stains, and the chairs were nothing more than an uncomfortable concoction of blue plastic and some sort of steel. I began describing my past driving experiences with the man on the other side of the desk. Seconds seemed like hours, minutes like days, but I managed to get approved for a renewal. As I was exiting the building, this little boy recognised me and his face lit up. I hated being asked for photos but I couldn't say no to this cute, chubby-cheeked child. His mom took out her phone. "1, 2, 3, cheeeeeese!" The boy ran back to his mother to get a glimpse of the shot. He smiled in approval and waved goodbye so I returned the gesture. I opened the metal door, with paint chipping off every other square inch, and walked towards my car. As I took each stride, each step, I could not but think about him. His soft kisses in the morning, his warm touch in the afternoon, and his feeling at night. He was my everything, I was meeting him for dinner tonight because I'd not seen him since he'd left to see his family in Palma. I knew he needed his family but he and I were inseparable.

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