"I don't know..." He said weakly

"You don't know?" Jada said throwing her hands in the air. "That was stupid to say to them, you better fix it" she added

"If I told them were are not getting back then the smile would wipe off their face.... We haven't seen them like that in a while Jada." he said scratching the nape of his neck.

"Jordan what are you saying?" Jada asked sensing something he want to say.

"I'm gonna be honest Jada.... He sigh looking straight into her eyes. " lastnight brought back alot of memories of us in bed, I was tempted to touch you all night, I was wondering if we could start over" he said turning his gaze to the floor.

Jada was surprised by what he just said, she wanted him to say that years ago. She knows deep down she still love him and was waiting on him but he moving on with Avery and then her date with Shawn let her hopeless of them being back together.

"Jordan I waited years for you to say that, why now?" she said almost in tears.

"Jada what you did really hurt me but I shouldn't have rushed the divorce..... I never stop loving you but I was still angry with you over the years, each time I look at you I see him making..... He pause glaring at the floor.

" So what about Avery?" Jada asked softly

"I don't think she will want to be with Me anymore and I was just trying to get over you with her but its not working" he said softly. "Don't you love me anymore?" He asked holding on to Jada's hand and staring in her eye's.

Tears filled her eyes because she love him and she can't believe he's actually asking for them to be together again.

"Yes I do but I need time to think about this Jordan" she said squeezing his hands

"Ok I'll give you time to think about it... We'll just tell the kids we are seeking counselling first before I moved back in.... If you'll let me" he said letting go off her hands.

"I'll think about it" she said softly.

Jordan nodd with a small smile and left. Jada sat slowly around the kitchen island holding her head down and tears just start flowing.

"Why now" she mumbled to herself.


Jordan drove home with his head overload thinking about what Jada answer will be. He always known he still love her but sleeping next to her lastnight just let him want to put back a ring on her finger.

He drive up in his driveway and notice Avery car was still parking there. He exit his car and sigh deeply before punching the door bell and Avery open up quickly.

"Where did you go?" She asked following behind him.

He didn't answer, he continued walking until he reached the living room.

"Jordan I'm sorry I locked you out of your house but I was upset about you calling me 'Jada'" she frowned " You need to get over her" she added

"I can't OK?" He said bothered

"What did you just say?" She said standing Infront if him.

He take a deep breath before he finally looked up on her.

"I can't let go off her, I still love her and I will always do.... I thought being with you would take my mind off her and I'd finally moved on but I can't.... I'm no longer angry with her" he breath out.

"What about me Jordan?" She said kneeling infront of him.

"Avery I'm sorry...  The love I have for you in high school is long gone, I want to be with my kids and my wife" he said not looking on her.

Avery was hurt and angry by what he was saying. She thought the love they had in highschool would come back some day. She promised she'll returned from the UK to be with him but he waited hoping she'll kept her promised but she didn't. She didn't called or texted over years but she did come back when he already moved on and his heart belongs to someone else.

"I'm sorry Avery... I just do---

" She cheated on you Jordan, why would you want to be with her again?" She said with anger in her voice.

"She'll do it again, she'll hurt you again, she'll chea---

"You should go" Jordan snapped angrily


" Just go!" He semi shouted.

The image played back in his head of Alex and Jada in bed, he can still feel the pain in his heart and Avery was bringing up everything. She March upstairs for her things that she left when she sleeps  over, she was angry and feeling hurt.

Jordan lay in the sofa deep in his thoughts, he realized how long Avery took to take her things and leave. Flashes of Jessica ran through his head when he broke up with her and he rushed upstairs hoping Avery wasn't trashing his room.

He opened the door and sigh in relief when he saw everything in place but no Avery. He didn't saw her left so he slowly walked to the bathroom. He opened the door and Avery was lying on the floor In pool of blood.

Both her wrist were slashed and the razor was in her right hand, Jordan was totally zoned out.



Thanks for reading everyone I hope your enjoying.

I'm so so sorry for the late update but I'm out of service, so I can hardly get the chance to update new chapters. But please continue supporting my stories and plead vote and leave your comments.


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