Chapter Eleven

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The Unexpected Book Two

"Hey kids.... Hi Katie" Jordan waved shyly

" Hello Jordan" Katie said glaring on Jada.

"Are you and dad getting back together?" Jordeen asked happily.

Jada was hoping that question didn't asked, she stared at Jordan and he stared back at her. The kids smile was wide and glowing seeing their parents together and thinking their parents are getting back together.

"Dad are you coming back home to us?" Jadan asked happily

"Actually your dad got--

" Maybe " Jordan answered cutting Jada off.

"Really!" The kids and Katie said at once.

Jada gave Jordan a "What the hell?" Look and he shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. He didn't want to take the smile of the kids face and he's also having a feeling to come back home. He missed sleeping with Jada and lastnight just brought up alot of memories, he was tempted to touch Jada all night.


"So you and Jordan getting back for real?" Katie asked surprised

"I don't know why he said that Katie, he just spend the night because his girlfriend locked him out of his house" Jada said sighing heavily.

"He spend the night in your room, you guys slept on the same bed" Katie said furrowing her brows.

"We didn't do anything Katie, he couldn't sleep so I offer to sleep with me.." She explained.

"Hmmmm" Katie said not buying it.

"I'm serious Katie nothing happened" Jada told her.

"Okay okay I believe you...  I have to go deal with somethings for Liam see you later" Katie said kissing her cheeks.

Jada lay back in the sofa wondering why the hell would Jordan told the kids that. What happen when they found out they are not getting back together. Jada heaved a sigh and linger to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Mom are you OK?" Jordeen asked walking in the kitchen.

"Yea baby girl... How are feeling?" Jada said giving her best smile.

"I'm OK now, I'm happy dad will be here again" she beamed.

Jada love to see her kids happy but she was having a bitter feeling inside about the whole situation. She always hoping one day they'll be together again but Avery is in the picture and so is Shawn.

"Hey princess mind giving me a word with your mom?" Jordan said walking in the kitchen.

"Sure dad, I'm happy for you guys" she said on her way out.

"What the hell was that Jordan? You lied to them" Jada said keeping her voice down.

"I'm sorry OK.... They were looking so happy I didn't want to spoil that so I said that" he explained.

"So what happens when they find out we are not getting back together?" She said glaring at him dirty.

Jordan keep running his hands through his head thinking what to do next. He can't just burst their bubble now, he want them to be happy and he haven't seen those happy face in a while.

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