Chapter 6

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Okay, I'll admit that I turned into the teensiest bit of a stalker when it came to finding stuff out about Miles. Yes, I may have secretly followed him to a couple of his classes. Yes, I may have lingered outside of the class that Anthony had with him a little longer than I needed to just to catch a glimpse of him.

One of the single most mortifying realizations of my life was when I noticed that we both had Physical Education at the same time. I, like most people, did not look cute in the standard issue P.E. clothes that they insisted we wear. To make it worse, on the first day I saw him out there I had forgotten my change of clothes at home and had to borrow some from school. They were dirty, smelly, and had "Loaner" written across them. Our teacher, Mr. McDonnell, had assigned us to play volleyball for that day, and I was moving around just enough so that he wouldn't harass me about not participating. I "accidentally" missed a shot across the net and returned to lurking at the back of the court, when I caught a glimpse of Miles across the field. Since that day, I've done my best to stay out of sight, and it's worked so far, but I know it won't work forever. One day, he's going to see my pale scrawny legs drowning in oversized gym shorts.

Avoiding embarrassing P.E. encounters aside, it had been a week since I had first invaded his space and talked to him. A week, and nothing. Maybe he had a girlfriend. Maybe he was gay. Maybe he just wasn't into me. Maybe he really did only date college girls. Maybe, just maybe, I'd have to try one more time. I felt stupid for thinking about him this much, only to potentially find out that he doesn't want anything to do with me. Should I just leave him alone? Ugh. No. August Sylvan didn't give up that easily. Besides, maybe he just didn't know where to find me. I'd have to do one more check-in.

Tuesday. Lunch. I knew I was going to do it today, so I dressed up as cute as possible. Tight Tilt t-shirt and green and blue thigh-length plaid skirt, check. Knee-high Doc Martens, double check. Damn, I looked hot. If he didn't want me, he was an idiot. I casually strolled over to where I had seen him the last time I found him, but by the time I got there all I saw was some other guy who definitely wasn't Miles. Shit. Maybe he was the guy that Miles had mentioned, but I wasn't sure. I frowned and was about to leave when I saw him out of the corner of my eye, walking towards the other guy. He looked over and saw me, but when I smiled at him he froze in his tracks. That's it. It was now or never. I took a deep breath, screwed up my courage, balled up my fists, and walked over there.

"So..." I began, standing far enough away so that I wasn't right in their space, but close enough that he knew I was talking to him. He and his friend continued staring at me silently. I thought I was awkward. I tried again. "Can I talk to you?" I asked, motioning with my thumb to a location a little farther away from where he was sitting.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed, giving his friend a look as if he was about to be fed to a lion as he walked a little distance with me. We stopped about ten feet away and I looked up into clear, crystal blue eyes. My nerves kicked in just the slightest. Control yourself, August.

"Remember me?" I joked, cracking a smile as I tried to dissolve the tension.

"Yeah, of course," he replied, smiling. Okay, good start.

"So why haven't you asked me out yet?" The words just tumbled out of my mouth. I was as surprised to hear them as he apparently was.


"Why haven't you asked me out yet?" I repeated, though by now I was starting to feel stupid, and my confidence began to dwindle. I could feel the burn in my cheeks and I looked for something, anything around me to distract my attention in order to avoid looking at him. I should have had Anthony come with me. Then at least I wouldn't feel as pathetic when I had to walk back, defeated.

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