Trick r Treat

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Mr. Kreeg: "Who the hell is that? I've got an NRA membership in my pocket, and a shotgun over the fireplace, so get outta of here before I-"

Steven Wilkins: "It's me, Mr. Kreeg. Steven, Steven Wilkins."

Mr. Kreeg: "What in God's name are you doing down there Wilkins? Hiding bodies?"

Boy: [wimpers]

Mr. Kreeg: "What did you say?"

Steven: "Nothing, the uh, septic tank is acting up."

Mr. Kreeg: "Is that what the smell is?"

Steven: "Im afraid so."

Mr. Kreeg: "Then fix it, it stinks like a dead whore out there."

[walkes away]

Steven: "Im [kicks boy] trying."

Mr. Kreeg: "And keep your kid out of my yard."

Steven: "Happy Holloween!"

Mr. Kreeg: "Screw you!"

Remember to



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