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So let me just say that this story may be confusing and all but I try my best and I hope you'll enjoy it even tho its cheesy and all...

Thanks anyways!

After taking a steamy shower, I put on black leggings and a black hoodie with sneakers which are also black (lol), I called my Best friends so that I could eat with them on a café nearby

After the call, they all agreed and told me to meet them on c/n (café name), guess we'll be missing school this afternoon, like I care to see that jerk face again

I went downstairs going to the living room to get the spare keys, when I got the spare keys I turned around and headed to the door, when I was about to turn the knob I heard footsteps behind me, I know it was him because of the reflection of the door knob

"Don't ask where I'm going, its not your problem anyways, even tho I'll be your so called wife soon, you'll still Love So Jin. I'm not mad, I'm okay... If you Love her that much, fine I'll accept the truth, the truth hurts right? That's what they say and they're right, I don't have to be sad cause I know you'll Love her even tho I'm the person you'll get married to, we can get a divorce after right? There's no problem with that so go to her, not me" I said not giving him a glance then left

I didn't want to look at his face anymore because it will hurt me even more, I saw his reaction... It was with pity but of course he was faking it, I don't deserve anything but nothing, what a life I'm living

When I was walking in the alley, I heard noises and footsteps, it gave me the creeps so I decided to walk faster but the footsteps got even faster, when I was about to run someone grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the wall, when I looked at the person, it was....


"You left me because of that jerk, really? Even tho you love him, he'll never love you back, go back to me and I'll make you happy" He said getting closer

"Jihoon? What are you doing?" I asked as he got even closer

When I looked behind him, I saw a drunk gang behind him smirking at me, tears started rolling down my cheeks

'This will be the last day of my life, this is the final day I'll make my decision to die' I thought as I closed my eyes waiting to be.... you know?

After what happened, I wasn't rapped but got hit everywhere by a belt, I was still surrounded by them in the same place, a guy pulled me then pushed me in the ground making my head hit the ground hard making me really dizzy but I couldn't tell if I was bleeding, one was about to hit me with a belt but I heard a car stopping and doors of the car closing, I didnt dare to look but I heard people being punched, someone touched my arm making me flinch but as I looked, it was Nari along with the other girls. As I looked at the fight going on I saw 6 men and of course Namjoon, the girls helped me in the van and got a first aid kit, they started putting the ointment in my wounds which was almost everywhere and then placed bandages in the areas which were bleeding, everyone was inside already but the boys with bruises and blood but mine was worst, but then I felt so weak and felt a lot of pain, I fainted because of the pressure

No ones POV

When Rose fainted everyone freaked out and droved quickly to the hospital

As they reached the hospital, Namjoon picked Rose up and rushed inside yelling for help, as the nurses brought out the hospital bed and placing it in front of Namjoon, he gently placed Rose in the bed, when the nurses were about to bring the bed to the emergency room , Namjoon took another glance of Rose then turned away feeling regretful of what he did

As Rose was brought to the emergency room, everyone followed but stopped when they reached the door cause they cant get in, they all had worried faces on but then Min Ji noticed blood on Nari's shirt

"Unnie, why is there blood on your shirt?" Min Ji asked Nari

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nari said confused, when Min Ji pointed at the blood on her shirt, Nari followed where her finger was pointing, Nari's eyes grew wide

"R-Rose was lying down on me after she faint and her head was where the blood is" Nari said still with wide eyes

"We didn't check her head, meaning Jihoon that freak did something like push her down to the ground making her head hit the ground I bet hard because of how big the stain is, crap she lost a lot of blood" Nari said as she was walking in circles

Everyone's eyes grew in realization, their palms are sweating, some kept on standing up, all were nervous and more they waited for how long until the doctor came out

"Your lucky she's not dead" The doctor said


"But what?" We all said in unison

"We're not sure if she'll wake up soon or remember you guys..." the doctor said

"Just remember she's fine but just give her time to adjust when she wakes up, if she forgets about you don't rush her for her to remember, just so that she won't feel a lot of pressure on her, okay?" The doctor said

They all nodded trying to process the news the doctor gave

Well I'm back with a short chapter, hehehe but imma think of more ideas k???

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