Prepare To Die

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Hi my loves!

TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY! WOO! YOLO! But you have Jillian and Emily to thank.. I expect my 4 smore's soon. (Emily said if I finished it she would make me some when she comes back :)) But omg this was hilarious! I love this chapter! And Emily made my day while writting it! I wish more people would take interest in trying to give me motivation to write the next chapter, but I have my wonderful Jilly Poo Poo and Jemily! And Beggers can't be choosers! So on with the chapter!

Farwell My Loves,


PS- I just thought what if my dad was one of my fans on Wattpad, just to see if I'm writting anything "inappropriate" (or however you spell that .__.)

Farwell My Loves Again,


Chapter Whatever chapter it is....

*Victoria’s POV*

                “Come on!” I groaned pulling Emily’s arm. She currently had a death grip on the railing. She was deathly afraid of flying.

                “Let’s go!” I yell. She just tightens her grip. Jillian walks by.

                “Jill, get her feet!” I command. Jillian rolled her eyes, but does so. Emily starts kicking.

                “I’m out!” Jillian yells dropping Emily’s feet.

                “WHAT?! NO, COME BACK!” I yelled at her.

                “LOOK HARRY, THE FLIGHT ATTENDENT HAS FOOD!” Niall yelled dragging Harry behind him, not even glancing at us.

                “Oh come on!” I groaned. Emily stuck her tongue out at me.

                “Avoid eye contact, Liam,” Louis instructed walking faster.

                “Isn’t that a bit rude?” Liam questioned, glancing at us.

                “Just keep going, they’re like moths to a flame,” Louis smirked and I gaped at him. What nice friends I have! Soon Chris walked by.

                “Chris, help me,” I whined.

                “Don’t tell me what me to do!” Chris retorted. Paul was following him.

                “Wait, Paul!” I called.

                “Don’t even try,” Paul countered while sashaying away. I kept tugging on Emily hoping she will budge.

                “Victoria, have you seen Emily?” Zayn asked not looking up from his phone, “She won’t answer.”

                “I’ll tell you if you help me,” I grinned.

                “What?” Zayn said looking up his eyes brightened when he saw Emily.

                “She won’t go on the plane,” I groaned. He shrugged and picked her up fireman style. How come I didn’t think of that?! Oh yeah, I have no upper body strength. I shrugged and followed Zayn. Zayn, Emily, and I sat in one row, while everyone else was scattered about somewhere. Zayn quickly dozed off. I noticed Emily gripping the arm rest like her life depended on it.

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