Midoriya's lie.

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Midoriya sneaks through the city to find a place to be found being directed by Shigaraki, he finds an alleyway behind a small shop, He took a knife and gave himself a few slashes arms, legs, 2 on his back and 3 on his front. He was bleeding all over but didn't see his pain through his insanity. Time with Shigaraki sent him way over the line of insanity.

Midoriya waited for the shop owner to come out and when he did he acted as if he didn't see him and was going to kill himself, The man saw him and shouted out, "Hey, hey kid! put that down, put the knife down." He says it urgently and first but then softly. He stops and drops the knife and begins crying softly falling to his knees. The man puts down the box he was carrying and calls his wife from where he is and signals to call the police and points at the bleeding boy.

"So, Kid what's your name? where are your parents? I'm not gonna hurt you, just turn around and look at me okay?" Midoriya smiles still fake crying then hides his smile and slowly turns around getting up. The man recognises the boy they never found, gone for 3 whole years. "M...My names Midoriya...please...help...me" With that he collapses from blood loss. The man takes him into the shop and tells his wife to also call an ambulance because it's urgent.

When the police arrive they don't believe it and they try to stop the blood flowing but can't do much without an ambulance. When the ambulance arrives they take him in and shout, "we need his parent or guardian in here." 

The man steps up and says, " we don't know who that is but I got him to talk to me, ill go. I'll be back honey" After shouting to his wife they rush off but they seem to have created a scene because there is now a helicopter following the ambulance with the press inside as One woman hangs from a rope recording and talking even with all the wind.

Almost everyone is watching this, including his grieving mother. The news reporter gives quick information as they go along,

 "The young boy Midoriya was just found in an alleyway attempting suicide after being taken by villians 3 years ago and not being found, He was covered in cuts and gashes and collapsed from blood loss, He was found in the alleyway by a small bakery owner who called the police and ambulance. He seems to have severe mental issues along with mass physical issues. The shopkeeper said to the police,'he wouldn't look me in the eye.'The shopkeeper we now know is none other than, A man named Haruto, a name known for its meaning of warmth and warm heart which is clearly displayed here, he is in the ambulance with The young Midoriya now."


Everyone heard the news and his wounds had been treated, today the police would come to see what actually happened to Midoriya. As they enter the room Midoriya is sat with a full plate of food barely touched and he is sat up covered in scars looking down.

One of the police members spoke up and said this, "Midoriya, Midoriya will you look me in the eye please?"

Midoriya just looks down further and shakes his head, "Why don't you look me in the eye Midoriya?" 

"That's how they control your brain."

The police officers look at each other and start writing things down.

"What did the villians want with you? and how did you get away Midoriya, can you tell us that.?"


Just as he says okay Allmight walks in but doesn't make his presence known he almost sneaks in hoping Midoriya will explain what happened and not notice him there.

"I was taken by a big man...In a cloak a...and he gave me a quirk then he took me to a small apartment somewhere where Shigaraki was waiting for me. He brought in different people to try and mess with my mind and make me want to take AU and..."

"And what?" the police officer says quietly writing things down.

Midoriya looks in the direction of allmight but not in the eye. Then he looks Allmight entirely in the eye almost like a ghost haunting him from the past and says softly. "Kill Allmight."

Allmight looks completely heartbroken and stunned and so, so guilty.

"I didn't give in though, so they brought in people with quirks that mess with your head but I still didn't give in... So they brought in force."

Allmight is in tears, mainly because it was all his fault and another reason being he didn't give in, he was so strong spirited that he didn't give in even after being shut down by his hero.

"They cut every time I said no."

The police officer looked shocked, "We counted over 37 cuts on you? , how many times did you say no."

"I counted every no, 567 over the years, it kept me sane, they only started using force recently. But the 568th time I said no they got angry, they had someone get in my head and tell me to kill my self in a public area so they would all see how Allmight had failed and all the heroes."

"But I didn't lose hope, with my new quirk... I still want to be a hero" This time Midoriya looks the police officer right in the eye when he says it.


Midoriya was prescribed better and fit to enrol in UA, he refused to speak to his mother though saying she left him.

He got to the entrance exams and all eyes were on him when he walked through the gate like nothing had happened, The press and planted a radio in an officers jacket so they knew every detail and told the world everything he had been through yet here he was enrolling at UA with a new villain given quirk that's still unknown, ready to enrol. 

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