Chapter one pt 2 - Late

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Yoongi PoV

Beep - beep - beep beeep beeeeeeeeeeee-

Min Yoongi grudgingly slammed his hand on the snooze button of the alarm clock. He got up from his bed and checked the time, two thirty pm huh?

He rolled onto his back and groaned, then he suddenly realised....two thirty pm?! He was meant to meet the boys at two forty five! He quickly jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom and quickly brushed his messy hair and washed his face of sleep.

Violently and quickly brushing his teeth and rinsing out his mouth with mouth wash and throwing on a pair of jeans and a oversized black hoodie.

Yoongi hurriedly grabbing his phone and headphones he rushed out of his apartment, knowing that he would be called out for being late for his friends.

He quickly checked the time and it read '2:42'. Fuxk he thought to himself as he jogged through the busy streets of Seoul, Seoul was unlike the last town he lived in, the last place he lived in was quiet and peaceful unlike the buzzing streets of Seoul.

jogging and swaying past the people who walk on the roads and pavements of the busy and noisy city, Min Yoongi finally arrived at the little café he was meant to meet his childhood friends at.

Walking into the shop he looked around for the time, his eyes landed everywhere but in front of him. Suddenly, CRASH, he had knocked a girl with dazzling blue eyes over and spilt the drinks all over herself and him.

The girl immediately got up and apologised and rambled but all he could stare at was her beauty, she was quite beautiful. She had amazing long brown hair and these blue eyes that were uncommon for an Asian, he wondered if they were real or if she had had surgery to get them. During these thoughts he unconsciously muttered something along the lines of 'its fine'.

His thoughts were interrupted by Jimin yelling/questioning why he had spilt coffee over himself and Y/N and for him to go over. He shrugged to himself, somethings never change like Jimins innocence and childlike mind.

"I should go" he muttered to the beautiful stranger, for some reason he felt oddly shy around her, which was unlike him. He shrugged it off and figured it was probably him being too tired to function.

He walked to the other side of the cafe and sat in the seat next to Taehyung and opposite Namjoon.

"Ohhhhhh who do we have here?!" A screechy voice asked, he looked over to see a girl who had clearly had gotten many cosmetic surgeries and looked like an Asian version of barbie.

Namjoon sighed from beside him and discreetly rolled his eyes while Jimin stuck his tongue out at the lady behind her back when she turned around at the girl who he bumped into while he was walking in.

Thankfully though the lady never came back leaving the boys to talk in peace. "Min Yoongi late again I see" Seokjin or Jin teases making Yoongi roll his eyes at the comment.

"I overslept" he replied. As soon as he said those words Jimin turned to Hoseok  "Hobi! You owe me a new phone! I won the bet" Jimin stuck his tongue out at Hoesok who was sitting on the other side of Namjoon.

"So, Yoongi how are you liking Seoul?" Namjoon questioned playing with a pack of sugar. Yoongi shrugged "it's crowded and noisy and my landlord is a butt, it's times like these I wish I was a rock" he replied seriously and everyone at the table burst out into laughter.

"Typical Yoongi" Jin smiled "I'm glad you're joining our collage this semester". Everyone nodded in agreement, well everyone who went to collage anyways. Jimin doesn't go because he claims it's too boring and stressful for him whilst Hoseok and Jungkook have work.

Yoongi turned his head and saw Y/N coming out of the kitchen with a tray with two drinks and two macarons on it. He watched Y/N as she walked over to an elderly couple and served them there food and told them how the macarons were on the house. He mentally awed at how sweet she was before he was snapped out of his thoughts by namjoon.

"Earth to Min Yoongi!" Namjoon says as he waves his hand in front Yoongis face. "You were staring at Y/N for a whole five minutes, does Yoongi hyung have a crush?" Jimin asks grinning.

Yoongi shook his head, "what no!" He says a little to quickly causing everyone to smirk and go "mhmmmmmm" at once. Yoongi kissed his teeth and scoffed at everyone's childish behaviour.

Soon Y/N came back out with a tray of seven drinks and seven macarons. Wait, when did they even order?

"Hyung you were late so we ordered for you!" Jimin says exitedly and claps his hands while giggling. He ignores Jimin and smiles and watches as Y/N approaches the table.

She places the tray carefully down, "um hey the macarons are on the house considering I bumped into you and that I wasn't doing a great job of serving you the first time" she says sweetly to us while blushing a little. Yoongi almost awes at her adorableness but none the less keeps a straight face.

"Nooooooo you were doing a great job of serving us Y/N!" Jimin huffs out making Y/N smile at him and blushing more.

"Well enjoy your drinks and macarons, oh and there are extra napkins there for you to wipe your shirt" she says to me flashing me one more smile which Yoongi gladly returns.

As soon as she leaves the guys all turn to Yoongi and Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows. "You know Yoongi she goes to our school, if you want we can hook you up with her" he winks. Yoongi just shakes his head drinks his Thai latte.

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