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Hello everyone! I would just like to thank whoever is reading this for checking out WBBIBBAG(Why being Bi is both bad and good(mostly good))!

Although it is VERY short, it actually took me a while to come up with any ideas(writers block).

This is actually a kinda touchy subject for me. One of my best friends is lesbian, and she came out to her parents. And they basically disowned her 😔😞. She decided to tell then it was it a phase and is scared to tell them the truth.

To anyone out there that is going through this, please know, that there are so many people going through the same thing as you. And know that it doesn't matter if others don't like how you are, what matters is that YOU like who you are! So many people are in support of you! So many people love you! You shouldn't have to change who you are for someone else! You should be able to be who you are, and be able to express yourself without being ridiculed! Just be yourself, and I know you will make it! Love how you look, and love who you ARE! Always be kind to others, and treat them how you want to be treated! Help when help is needed, because if you won't teach people how to be kind, then who will? Help make the world a better place! And remember, WE. LOVE. YOU.

~ Rose

P.s. The video up top does NOT belong to me, just thought it was funny.

Why Being Bi is both Bad and Good Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum